2nd Trimester

21 Weeks Today - No Movement Yet?

Hello Ladies! 

I am 21 Weeks today and have yet to feel any definitive baby movement...I had my Gender Scan last week and the baby is well, very active and healthy but I thought by now I would have felt something :(  Anyone else patiently waiting for that first kick or punch to the gut?  In any case, having my Gender Reveal Party tomorrow night so that will be something exciting to obsess about until I feel something...

Re: 21 Weeks Today - No Movement Yet?

  • If you're a FTM, it'll take longer for you to feel the baby, or to KNOW that you're feeling the baby. I think I was into twenty-something weeks when I felt my first kicking. Don't worry. Pretty soon, firm kicks to the bladder will send you running to the bathroom.
  • coffee89coffee89 member
    edited February 2014
    It's totally normal. Depending on if you have had previous kids, where your placenta is, your body, when the baby is active etc...

    you will feel it in the coming weeks.
    BFP: July 2013 M/C August 5, 2013
    BFP: October 22, 2013 EDD: June 21, 2014
    Baby boy arrived June 23, 2014

    BFP: February 2016 EDD: October 17, 2016
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  • Yes I am a FTM so that makes sense...I think I feel something then it just turns out to be gas. Womp.

  • Encouraging!  Doc did mention that my placenta was 'low' and they want me to come back in a month to check so that could have something to do with it too...thank you for the input! 
  • I am 23 weeks. I have only felt flutters here and there.

    I also have a low placenta and have to go back at 27 weeks to recheck it.


    Me (40) DH (42).......Married 7/1/11......TTC 12/2013.......BFP #1 12/30/12........EDD 9/8/13
    Spotting,clot 2/15/13 all ok......2/21/13 no heartbeat 11 w 4 d missed miscarriage........2/22/13 DnC :(
    BFP # 2 10.10.13...........EDD 6.19.14

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  • I am 17 1/2 wks and at my 16 wk U/S they said I had an anterior placenta which would cause a difference in the way I feel this baby's movement. With DS I felt him very early.
  • yeah I'm 21 weeks now and haven't really felt much other than really tiny muted "finger poke" sensations every once in a while.  Found out I have an anterior placenta which is blocking me from feeling all the movement - but as I saw in my scan on Thursday, baby is moving around a lot! Can't wait till I can feel it more though :)

    baby is also being a bit cheeky because he/she would not let us know the sex at all!  We are going in for another scan next week and hoping we can find out then :)

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  • Its normal. My baby is just now starting to be pretty active but still on some days (like today) I have barely felt her.
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    Emery Elizabeth
    Due Date: June 5, 2014

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  • I literally started feeling movement yesterday, and I am zoning in on 22 weeks. As long as baby has a strong heartbeat I would not worry. Some babies like to wait 'til the end to start kicking and punching you, lol.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm 22 weeks and have only felt slight flutters.  It is nerve-wracking when people ask about the baby kicking because I really haven't had a kick yet.  I'm hoping it will happen soon.
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