I woke up this morning with a splitting headache. I don't know if I slept wrong or if it is hormones. Would you take Tylenol?? I just don't know if I should take anything right now bc I don't beta til Friday. UGH....
********Warning BFPs and Losses Mentioned*********
ME-38 DH-39 DX: DOR TTC since Nov 2011.
5/6/13 IUI#1 BFN
6/3/13 IUI#2 BFN
7/3/13 IUI#3 BFN
8/813 IUI#4 cancelled bc no stim
Referred to IVF
IVF #1 9/25 start Stims
10/10 ER 7 Mature Eggs
10/11 Fertilization Report-nothing fertilized so a rescue ICSI performed. 4 eggs were fertilized.
10/13 3 embryos transferred on 3 days(7 cell, 5 cell and 4 cell)
10/25 Beta BFN
IVF #2 Start Stims Feb 2014
2/7 ER 14 Embies...9 Fertilized
2/12 ET 2 excellent grade. 2 frosties
2/21/2014 First BFP EVER....ELATED
3/28/2014 Miscarried. DNC performed that day. 8w6d
6/20/2014 FET 2 frosties.
6/30/2014 SO HAPPY...BFP #2
7/21/2014 First u/s. Low heart rate. Scheduled 2nd u/s in 1 week. 6weeks
7/28/2014 U/S #2...no heartrate. Scheduled DNC for 8/1/2014 7weeks
2/15/2015 IVF #3 E2 Protocol ER 12 eggs retrieved. ICSI'd 9.
2/20/2015 2 transferred. None to freeze.
03/2/2015 Beta 4 - CP
4/2015 IVF #4 E2 Protocal
4/19/2015 ER 13R, 11M, 10F w/ICSI
4/24/2015 ET 2 blasts none to freeze
5/4/2015 Beta 1 108
5/6/2015 Beta 2 225
Re: 5dp5dt....Tylenol???
IVF #2- BFP!!! Beautiful baby girl became an angel on 2/6/13 at 17.5 weeks due to PPROM/IC
**PAIF/SAIF welcome**
DX: Unexplained
BETA #1 59 BETA #2 148 BETA #3 283 BETA #4 2,783! US at 6w2d shows 1 bean measuring right on track! HR 121. US at 8w3d measuring on track HR 177. Released form my RE. EDD 12/28