2nd Trimester

fit moms, do you lift weights?

I have been a runner forever and with each of my pregnancies, I tried to stay fit. with my first, I did tons of yoga and walking, I ran like crazy with my second & this time I've done many different things because I found the yoga was actually really helpful for labor & I'm wondering if I had shortened my hamstrings when I ran so much with my second.

this time I've been lifting weights and feeling great but just read an article saying don't lift over 10 lbs!!
my laundry baskets up 16 steps are "too much" ? my grocery bags are too much?
I do way less weight than I know I can do, but I'm doing things like 60 lb pull downs, 40 lb rows, 50 lb quads & hams, I do seated squats at 150lbs, I weight 160 so it's less than if I were just squatting I front of a mirror....
I'm wondering why this is considered bad,, I do a lot with machines in a controlled manner. I drink water, warm up with a mile, stretch out & make sure I'm breathing throughout &not holding my breath...

would love your thoughts & input as well as types of workouts. I feel very alone. and in that, am I wrong, should I put down the weights for a ten lb dumbbell or less?
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Re: fit moms, do you lift weights?

  • Regarding exercise, my doctor said I can do anything that keeps my heart rate under 140. She put no restrictions on how much weight I can lift or what type of cardio I can do (other than the obvious no-nos where you can fall like skiing). I would just call your doctor's office and ask. They should be happy to help a pregnant woman figure out what she can and can't do to stay fit.
  • My doctor said that it would be silly to place a specific weight limit for all women.  Ten pounds for one woman may make her strain, while another could toss this up with her pinky finger.  She told me that weight and resistance training were safe, as long as I wasn't straining or placing pressure in my abdomen.  I've stuck with this and have definitely had to cut back on the weight that I used to lift, but still enjoy doing it!
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  • It's very safe to weight train during pregnancy, and will help with your L&D as well as recovery.
    As for the shortened hamstrings in your last pregnancy: not caused by running, but by the anatomical changes of pregnancy on your body. Ie- the belly growing out in front of you changes your pelvic tilt, which affects your hamstrings and lower back. Do your prenatal yoga, and mix in some swimming laps if you have pool access.

    Mommy to R (8.23.11) and K (6.21.14).

  • I lift weights 3 times a week with cardio on the other two when I can. I do a lot of pop sugar fitness videos where you target one muscle group, I haven't gone above 8 lbs though before pregnancy so now I'm doing 5 lbs.  Trust me, it's enough with those workouts.  I highly recommend them.  They have tons of 10 minute videos you can do, I typically do 1 cardio, 1 arms, 1 legs and 1 prenatal abs video a workout.

    Just go to YouTube - type in Pop Sugar Workouts and you will find tons, they even have some great prenatal workouts that I tried yesterday and were great.
  • I lift weights 3 days a week (Chalean Extreme) and cardio 7 days (Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire)and I am 5 months pregnant. I have been very active for 3 years so my doctor said it is fine. Over the past month I have had to adjust some of the exercises but I still feel good when I am done. If your body is used to it and your doctor is on board you should be fine. As DanaLynn18 said different weights are too much for some and too little for others. Listen to your body and if you feel strained, ease up.

    Good luck!

  • You're good.  Listen to your body- don't push through any pain or discomfort.  I wouldn't try to build at this point, more maintain.  Sounds like you have a great level of fitness, and if what you're doing is still comfortable for you- keep it up!  :)


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  • I work on pretty much 5-7 days a week and have kept that schedule. However, I avoid weightlifting and stick to cardio: treadmill, elliptical, and bike. I have found that I have little to no back pain with this regimen and notice more aches and pains on days I don't work out. I would worry about weight lifting putting an unknown amount of strain on baby. Unless, you are strapped to a heart monitor doing these lifts, you won't really know.
  • I lift weights regularly (3 times per week) and there is no problem at all. All you have to be cognizant of is that your heart rate does not get too high and that you are not overly straining. If you have been lifting weights, go ahead and continue the weights but maybe just see how you are feeling with the weight amounts. If you are thinking of starting weights for the first time, check with your doctor, and then start with light weights. I have continued all of the activities I did before pregnant (hiking, yoga, elliptical, weights, spinning, walking, gym classes) with the exception of cycling because I am a clutz and liable to fall out of my clips given my changing weight distribution and switching over to prenatal rather than ashtanga yoga. Personally I am halfway through my pregnancy and feeling great and I attribute that to remaining active throughout. Well, ok, not throughout -- it was pretty touch and go during the first tri because I was so dang exhausted. But from 12 weeks on, I have been incredibly active and loving it. 
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  • Crossfitmom.com is a good source of info/advice about weight training during pregnancy.
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  • Everyone is different. I am a powerlifter (squats, deadlifts, bench) and my doc gave me the go ahead to keep lifting weights, but told me now is not the time to try anything new or go for max weight. I am still lifting at about 80% of my max weight, which is 205 lbs for deadlift and 140 for squat. I listen very closely to my body, some days I go easy. I am just happy to still be lifting and working out 3 - 4 days a week.
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