2nd Trimester

XP from May 14: Red cell antigens "Fya (aka Duffy) and Jka (aka Kidd)"

I had a severe postpartum hemorrhage when I gave birth to my son which resulted in a blood transfusion.  Prior to this I had no issues with my blood and was compatible with all A+ units.  However, as a result of the transfusion, I have developed red cell antigens "Fya (aka Duffy) and Jka (aka Kidd)", which for the baby they will essentially treat as Rh negative.  But, it is expected that only approximately 8% of units are will be compatible.  I'm just curious if anyone else on the board has anything similar and what their experiences have been.  Right now they are just monitoring my levels to make sure my levels don't increase.

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: XP from May 14: Red cell antigens "Fya (aka Duffy) and Jka (aka Kidd)"

  • My doctor said it's likely my relatives wouldn't be a match since this isn't a condition I was born with, it was a direct result of my last transfusion...

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I work in transfusion medicine and it sounds like you have developed the antibodies to these antigens. You have anti-Fya and anti-Jka. During your pregnancy, they will do titers to monitor the amount floating around because too much will harm your baby. If u happen to need transfusions, the blood is not the easiest to get from the hospital, but blood centers have some on hand. As long as your hospital knows you're coming, they could be prepared and order these blood units from the blood center if they think you will need a transfusion or if u go in to labor.
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