I am 16 weeks along in my first pregnancy, and this past week I was given the Quad Screen blood test during my doctor's visit. They warned me that the test has a high false positive rate, but I still never really thought it would come back less than normal. However, the nurse called me last Friday and said everything came back fine, except that it showed I had an increased risk for Down Syndrome. This kind of shocked me, as I am only 27 and have no family history of Doens. The nurse mentioned something on the phone about "if your folic acid is low at the time of conception, it can cause it." Well this baby was not planned, therefore I was not taking folic acid until after I found out, and this could be a real possibility. I went back to the doctor that afternoon to have more blood drawn for a MaterniT21 test that was sent off to a lab for genetic testing. They told me it will take a week to get the results. I also asked the technician if they ever get them back and they are negative. She said they do all the time, and in fact that office has never gotten back a positive. This made me feel better. My husband and I will of course love our baby no matter what, but it is stressful thinking of the possibilities. I kind of wish I had opted out of the test in the first place. Has anyone else had a similar experience? And did it end up bring a false positive?
Re: Quad Screen showed increased risk for Down's Syndrome
TTC since September 2012 ~ DH(32): Non-obstructive azoospermia, Me(32): Normal
10/13 - TESE found sperm!! ~ 11/13 - IVF w/ ICSI #1 ~ ER 11/23/13 ~ 10 R, 9 M, 8 F
ET 11/29/13 ~ Transferred 2 beautiful hatching blasts, 5 frosties
12/5/13 - BFP!!! Beta #1 (12/7/13) - 189 Beta #2 (12/9/13) - 401 Beta #3 5871
12/16/13 U/S #1 - TWINS!! EDD - August 16, 2014 ~ 7/19/14 - Our beautiful baby girls joined the world!
I had the maternit21 test - know that it can take up to two weeks to come back so do not worry if a week goes by and you do not hear! Waiting is the worst. Stay positive- thinking of you!