2nd Trimester

Evening cat naps?

I have noticed three out of the last five nights, around 8:00, while I am eatching tv, I get drowsy and nod off foir about twenty minutes. Then I am good until bedtime which is normally between 10 and 11. I also noticed it also just happens to be the days I don't work out. Has anyone else had this happen in the second semester? Would I stay awake longer if I worked out everyday?

Re: Evening cat naps?

  • I tend to need a little nap before dinner and then still go to bed around 10.  I workout 4-5 days a week and I would say I still need a nap on those days.
  • It is completely normal, especially as your pregnancy progresses.  I too have to take cat naps once in awhile, even after large meals!  Some days you are just more tired than others--just take a nap! :)
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  • Catnaps are great, haha I do full on "an extra night's sleep" naps! Not seriously to that extent, but I can take a 3 1/2 hour nap and still be ready for bed at 11. Pregnancy can take it out of you!
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  • Yes, after dinner it is know as nap time around here lol then I wake up have a Snack or dessert then it's bed time, sometimes it takes me a bit because of having to pee and getting comfy though
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