2nd Trimester

Got my energy back a few weeks ago and now it's gone again!

I got my energy levels back up again by week 14, 4 weeks ago, I've been feeling wonderful multi tasking doing so many stuff etc (this month was crazy 2 cousins weddings, 1 cousin engagement, a friend's engagement, plus lots of family gatherings/commitments) I would of course be exhausted by the end of the day but that would be at around 11pm.

comes now that I'm 18 Weeks, I feel dead by mid afternoon, getting this stupid sinus headache yesterday afternoon, which I still have 24 hours later on now, did not help either I wanted to fall asleep by 5:30 pm and I was dead tired the day before by 7pm although I did nothing but lay down that day! Is this going to be the case until the end of my pregnancy now? I work 8-5 and being dead tired when I get home is really gonna mean that I just go to work and sleep and that's it for 5 months to come *SCARY!*

my exhaustion and having so much to do+my drive which seems to have disappeared are making me wish he doesn't touch me, and well with our super busy schedule the last 2-3 weeks we might have shagged for 1-2 days one of which I actually took the opportunity, when he seemed into it, and went on for 3 times in a row cause we had had non in a long time (we got married close to 6 months ago and were both virgins prior to our marriage) so this is seriously annoying at this point but I just don't find myself thinking about sex at all, especially with the hip pain I get when I lay down and difficulties breathing cause I always have an issue with my sinuses....help :(

God Bless You my Little One
Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
Farida, at 8 weeks

Re: Got my energy back a few weeks ago and now it's gone again!

  • plus the fact that it feels like my Vjayjay has swollen shut and intercourse has gotten really hard
    God Bless You my Little One
    Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
    Farida, at 8 weeks
  • Oh my gosh me too! Totally sucks.
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  • ok, so yesterday was just the cherry on top of my energy drop.

    We had the day off because it's national sports day in Qatar where we live and I got up at about 8:30am so had a little more than 8 hours of good night sleep, we got up, had a nice breakfast at home, went to the park watched a football game then went to a plants store to check it out, went to my work place cause they had table tennis tournaments and I got to play for like an hour it was so much fun (all through my husband was driving us, I was sitting) we go out for an early dinner/late lunch and then go home and I feel like I'm drugged not just tired. I hit the sheets at 6pm thinking I will sleep for an hour then get up and package our lunches for work and have some fruits with hubby and maybe just maybe get lucky for a change and nope I wake up at 9 pm, my husband is up and he says if you feel really tired go back to sleep, so I do and I get up at 2 am! go to the bathroom, go back to sleep to wake up in the morning when my husband was getting ready for work at around 6am but i keep dozing on and off until 7:20am where I have to run around and get ready for work and leave the house at 8 am when I should have been at my desk.

    it must have been the longest ever that we have had non so far. last time we scored a 3 in a row was Friday about two weeks ago and we only did because we didn't have much in the two weeks before that. and we had non ever since, nothing at all....problem is I miss it but I have no energy to initiate it and wish he doesn't :(
    God Bless You my Little One
    Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
    Farida, at 8 weeks
  • It is frustrating!  I got my energy back and then almost immediately got sick with a cold that won't go away because I can't take anything for it!  I'm finally starting to feel better from that so hopefully I'll have more energy soon.
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  • I know how you feel. I have just given up on fighting it. I do want I can and rest every chance I can get. I work nights and I have 3 girls. (Currently 17 weeks pregnant with my first son)
  • does this ever go away? yesterday was much better actually. but still the getting tired so quickly, wasn't the second T supposed to be the time we are revitalized?
    God Bless You my Little One
    Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
    Farida, at 8 weeks
  • I am 15 weeks and still have NO energy

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  • hi all,
    i know exactly what everyone is talking about!  21 weeks, no energy, but forcing myself to do a little each day to keep everything moving, constipated, heomoroids, bleed after #2's  =(  was intimate with my partner once in the last month and it was painful and just awful  =(   depressed a lot   uncomfortable most of the time
    when was it the 'nice' part of pregnancy started!?   =(
    everything I've researched says don't fight the exhaustion too much, it will only make you feel worse, so i guess pick little things to achieve each day and give yourself a pat on the back if you get that done  =)
    apparently its all worth it when the little one arrives? fingers crossed they're right  =)
  • This is what am doing now, less tasks, appreciating myself, and getting lots of rest
    God Bless You my Little One
    Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
    Farida, at 8 weeks
  • I got my energy back at 12 weeks, but now at 16 weeks it is gone again and I'm guessing for the long haul. Fatigue has been bad for me with all of my pregnancies. It's no fun. I sleep virtually all night (except what I am up with the kids) generally from about 9pm to 7am. I get up and feel good for a couple hours and then really need a 1-2 hour nap (which I only actually get on the weekend).  Sounds ridiculous, but I don't expect it to clear up until after the baby arrives.
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