1st Trimester

How can you relax at work...

when you are not only paranoid, but have started bleeding? I know mentally I have been freaking out something might not be right lately, but tonight I have started bleeding. I have had a couple days of brown spotting but this is a little more and a little more red. I'm having some mild-moderate cramping, but nothing severe. I have 8 more hours of work but I think I'm going to call the MD in the morning just for some peace of mind. Hopefully I can get in and find out what's going on. Hopefully everything will be fine and just some normal stuff. I think I get so freaked out cause my SIL who I talk to most about all this pregnancy stuff had 2 miscarriages without any bleeding or cramping and I'd be devastated if we lost this baby as I just lost my mom 2 weeks ago... thanks for putting up with all my paranoia guys!
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Re: How can you relax at work...

  • Sorry I'm not much of a help here, but I know how it feels about worrying about miscarriage. I've few friends who've been through that as well and I'm also very worry about it. However they both got 2 very lovely kids so even with a miscarraige it doesn't mean the end of the world. I believed everything happened for a reason and it's for the better good. :) I don't know much about the spotting and minor bleeding but I think you should call the MD or urgent care ASAP just to find out what's going on.

    And hugs to you! sorry to hear about your mom, but don't let those stressful thought bothers you since it'll only add on more stress! :) Take a deep breath and do other things to keep your mind off.

  • Spotting is a very scary thing even though it can be very normal!  I had about 6 days of brown spotting with some red at your time when I was preg with my son.  Going to work WAS hell but I think staying at home with nothing to distract me may have been worse.  IF v(ery big if) things did not go well, I would look at it as a comfort to know that your baby is now with your mom.  However,  as I said I had the bleeding too and my HCG levels were on the "low end of normal" AND they did not find a heartbeat when I thought I was about 6 weeks and my son is now a healthy 20 month old!  Definatly just get ahold of your doc so you can figure out what is going on!  Good luck.  If you ever want to talk my email is greeneyz98@sbcglobal.net

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  • thanks so much ladies, it's hard trying to focus on work when I'm all focusing on is the little bit of cramping and trying not to keep running to the bathroom to see if I'm bleeding more! haha. Man, if early stages of pregnancy are this nervewrecking, I'm afraid of what motherhood has in store for me!
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  • I don't really have any advice for relaxing at work. I did have a scare with spotting when I was in my 7th week. I first started at night, so I took the next day off and literally lay in bed from morning until night. I got a few cries in that exhausted me enough to sleep some more, which I needed.

    I don't know if you can right now, but if possible try to take a day home to just relax and get some more rest.

  • yea work may distract you but i think i would rather be at home laying in bed if i needed to cry! i am so sorry to hear about your mom and hopefully this all works out for the best! check it out with your doctor in any case- any bleeding is a call to the doc- they can do an exam hopefully and let you konw what's going on! good luck with everything!
  • I hope the day goes quickly for you and you can get an appt. asap. I will be thinking of you. I am very sorry about your mom.
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  • I'm going through something similar, just spotting a little bit, and was freaking out a lot yesterday.  Hopefully you'll be able to relax at work, but go home if you need to!  Do you have a Dr. appt coming up?  Maybe they can get you in soon.  I'm so sorry to hear about your mom.  Good luck!
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