Trying to Get Pregnant

Mind if I hang out here a while longer? (CP/loss mentioned)

I had three faint but definite positives on FRERs on Tues & Wed. Posted my BFP in the 2ww thread because I had only been active around here for a few weeks. Well I started cramping and spotting on Thurs. Tested again and there was a questionable shadow of a line. Tested yesterday and got a slap in the face BFN. AF is on her way.

I barely made it through the day at work yesterday. Kept tearing up and hiding in my office because my face turns bright red, splotchy and puffy and it's obvious to everyone I've been crying. I would have called in but I already missed two days this week thanks to snow. Last night I indulged in lots of vodka, raw brownie batter, and my heating pad.

So I am back here if you lovely ladies will have me. I hope it's ok I posted this here. Wasn't really sure where to post.

Me: 34; DH: 38; SD: 9
TTC #1 since November 2013

BFP #1: 2/4/14--EDD 10/14/14--CP 2/8/14

BFP #2: 3/1/14--EDD 11/15/14--MMC at 12w6d (baby stopped developing at 11w4d)
D&C 5/13/14; Retained Tissue Found: Cytotec 5/30/14; 2nd D&C 6/20/14

BFP #3: 12/13/14--EDD 8/27/15--MMC at 7 weeks (no fetal pole and measuring 1 1/2 weeks behind)--Cytotec 1/9/15

January 2015: Off to RE for RPL testing

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