2nd Trimester

Stroller/car seat combo

I apologize in advance if this has been discussed to death. I tried to find a thread about this but had no luck. 
We are looking into stroller and car seats options. Being first time parents, we really don't know what to look for other than what features we like and to read safety reviews etc. I think we prefer the 3 wheeled stroller and car seat combo. I am looking for feedback from anyone who has had one of these. I am also open to hearing the advantages and disadvantages to the combo option from those of you who have purchased these separately. Any advice would be appreciated. 

Re: Stroller/car seat combo

  • We bought the Graco combo about 5 years ago and we love it. DS is almost 4 and we still use the stroller for the mall or amusement parks. We gave the car seat away (dumb!) so we will probably just buy a replacement and use it with the stroller. Also, Burlington Coat Factory (if you have one close) has tons of combo sets for really cheap...happy shopping!
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  • With DS we bought the Graco Travel System for over $200. For us, it was a waste of money, as DS grew out of the car seat within 6 months, so we had to spend another $150+ on a convertible. We also rarely used the stroller, maybe only a handful of times, since he was in our Baby Bjorn carrier the majority of the time. 

    Just something to think about.  With our 2nd on the way, we are buying a convertible car seat and using our Baby Bjorn. 

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  • I had my heart set on the Graco stroller and car seat combo, the jogging one.  Now after talking to a few friends and going to a store by me I am liking the Baby Jogger stoller.  Much more sturdy since I walk a lot.  The tires are better and overall seem like a stronger stroller.  I dont job but want it for walking. It can support different car seats too.

    little more pricey but heard well worth it.

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  • Thanks for the input. I have looked into the Britax B-Agile/B-Safe and was considering this one as well. Lucies list looks like a great website! Choosing the right car seat, stroller, crib, playpen, diapers...endless list...can be so overwhelming!! I'm sure we'll figure it out.
  • We bought the Britax B-Safe/B-Agile in Kiwi!  

  • We're just using a frame stroller to start with (lighter weight, easier for me to get in and out of the car early on). We had planned to wait and look at actual strollers later when we had a better idea of how much we'd use it, but have since purchased one that we found for a great deal on Craigslist. So if you don't really know what you want, a frame stroller like the Snap n Go or Joovy Roo could be a great option for you.
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  • We were going to get the Graco Cortico travel system, until we saw some bad reviews. We thought travel system PLUS a jogger. Now we are just straightaway getting the Bumbleride Indie, and the Chicco KeyFit infant carrier. The Indie is a jogger as well as your day-to-day stroller, and super cute! Unlike some other joggers, it isn't huge. It pushes So smooth! The downfall is that you have to buy the carrier separately, but it actually worked out to be the same price we were going to pay for getting a travel system and jogger individually. Good luck!
  • For DD we ignored strollers and focused first on finding a carseat we liked, in our price range, and high on consumer reports. Then we looked at strollers. Our stroller and car seat are different name brands and still work together so just a thought of you don't need an actual "set" for them to ride together. 

    We went with a 3 wheel jogging stroller with real inflatable wheels. Strollers depend on your lifestyle. We have dogs so do lots of walks outside and on dirt paths. I rarely bring it into a store, I just use a cart and sit the seat within the large basket. 

    Note: infant carseat is used as a "carrier/holder" only roughly 6months, a stroller for much longer. So find one you like of both, even if you start with stroller then find a compatible car seat. 

    We have Chicco Key Fit 30 (will reuse with this LO) and Graco In-Step Safari stroller (will keep, but also got a sit&stand two kid stroller)
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  • Looking back I really wish I would have gone with the Britax travel system. Diapers.com has amazing deals on Britax often, we just purchased their convertible car seat. I would go withthe Britax BAgile/BSafe

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  • There is a huge recall on the Graco Car seats !!!!
  • I enjoy walking a lot in the summer so i currently have the Baby Jogger Summit series since i have a daughter who is 5 but still loves going on long walks!!  With baby due in June we just registered for the Chicco Keyfit car seat and bought the adapter so we can use the stroller with the carseat:)  IMO the travel systems are a waste of money since i never used the stroller that came with the travel system...i always used the three wheeled jogger for walks/runs
  • I enjoy walking a lot in the summer so i currently have the Baby Jogger Summit series since i have a daughter who is 5 but still loves going on long walks!!  With baby due in June we just registered for the Chicco Keyfit car seat and bought the adapter so we can use the stroller with the carseat:)  IMO the travel systems are a waste of money since i never used the stroller that came with the travel system...i always used the three wheeled jogger for walks/runs

    This is what we are getting Baby Jogger. I walk a lot in the summer with the dogs so I plan on still walking. I need something sturdy so this is it. Recommended by two other moms too. I have an infant Graco car seat that we will get the attachment for.

    Me (40) DH (42).......Married 7/1/11......TTC 12/2013.......BFP #1 12/30/12........EDD 9/8/13
    Spotting,clot 2/15/13 all ok......2/21/13 no heartbeat 11 w 4 d missed miscarriage........2/22/13 DnC :(
    BFP # 2 10.10.13...........EDD 6.19.14

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  • There is a Facebook group called Car Seats for the Littles.  They can help you pick out the best seat for your situation.  The Admins on the page are all carseat techs.  
  • Thanks for all of the input. We ended up going with the Baby Trend Expedition ELX Travel System. It just arrived the other day and we are excited to put it together. We'll work on that this weekend. 
  • Whatever you choose just keep in mind that all car seats have to pass the same safety inspection. The rest is for luxury and personal chpice. Comfort, weight, ect. Ect.

    I got the evenflo travel lite as a gift and plan on using that. I've heard a lot of good thing about the britax b safe travel systen

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  • We are doing a Baby Jogger City Mini and a Britex B-Safe.

    I did a ton of research on strollers and tried to get everything. DH wanted 3 wheels and an easy fold. I wanted something more sturdy than an umbrella stroller- but not much heavier. We both wanted something that a car seat could be snapped onto with a nice canopy and the ability to use from birth (so full recline) to 4yrs. City mini fit all of that.
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  • We're going with the Baby Jogger City Versa and the Britax B Safe carseat.  I initially was going with the Britax B Agile/B Safe Combo but my parents gave us a bunch of CC reward points that we can use on Amazon.com for baby stuff so we upped our price limit a little.  Still debating on whether to get the second base for the B Safe or just put that money towards a convertible for the second car.  Any suggestions on that?

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  • I'm a FTM with I have zero experience, but after doing some research, I'm going with the Britax B Agile/B Safe combo.  For whatever that is worth to you ;-)

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  • Just got the britax b agile/b safe travel set. Love it!
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