September 2014 Moms

Diclegis: I woke up and did not feel like death! Have you tried this?

I have reservations about taking medication of any type during pregnancy, but desperation to get through the coming work week was my motivation for calling the Dr. yesterday. I took the first dose of Diclegis last night at bedtime, as directed, and woke up feeling like a relatively normal person. Wow! Breakfast did not repulse me!!

Have any of you girls taken this before? Does it usually stay this effective? Have you experienced negative side effects? I am aware that upping the dosage is an option, if necessary. Just curious about other experiences.

Re: Diclegis: I woke up and did not feel like death! Have you tried this?

  • I've been on Diclegis for a little over a week. It's made a HUGE difference. I've only been sick once since I started taking it and I haven't had any side effects. I haven't had to up my dose at all either. It definitely made me feel like a normal person again too! 


  • OMG this sounds amazing. I have been so sick every morning for the past week. Yesterday was the first I actually got sick and I had only had ginger ale and saltines. This morning thought I was doing better but by the time I finished standing up in the shower for 10 minutes I felt terrible again. So does this med help with nausea and vomiting?
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  • OMG this sounds amazing. I have been so sick every morning for the past week. Yesterday was the first I actually got sick and I had only had ginger ale and saltines. This morning thought I was doing better but by the time I finished standing up in the shower for 10 minutes I felt terrible again. So does this med help with nausea and vomiting?

    The nausea and dry heaving (never "productively" vomited so far) is exactly why I called my OB/GYN, and this is what they prescribed. I am trying to keep the secret at work still, and it was getting tough. What I found online (and now in the packaging since I have the meds) says it is precisely intended to treat nausea and vomiting caused by pregnancy. Also, my Dr gave me a sample pack to last about a week - something to ask your Dr about if you decide to pursue it. :)

    Of course everyone is different and may have varying experiences, but so far I can only say good things about this!
  • I'm asking about this at my appointment on Thursday. I thought they only prescribed meds if you were vomiting which I'm not, but the nausea has been extremely debilitating to the point I can barely take care of my DD.
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  • I have been doing research on this stuff because I can't take much more of this m/s. It is the only class A anti nausea med out there for pregnancy. (Zofran is class b)

    Can I ask what the cost of this stuff is? My insurance pays a percentage, but I still have heard its expensive. TIA
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  • Can I ask what the cost of this stuff is? My insurance pays a percentage, but I still have heard its expensive. TIA

    I am not sure yet - but my Dr was able to give me a sample bottle that also came with a coupon for a 30 day supply for no more than $30 at participating pharmacies (I imagine this means 60 pills, since the lowest dosage is 2 pills @ night). Maybe you can start by asking Dr if they have samples and any coupons like what I received. I'll ask my pharmacy about the cost when I fill the prescrip later this week and update...
  • My friend just told me about this medicine this morning. I am hoping that I can hold out until my appointment on the 11th before getting medicine, but I plan to ask for this!

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  • FYI this prescription medication is a combination of unisom and vitamin b6, both available over the counter for a MUCH more reasonable price!

    So glad to know this - thank you!
  • In the interest of full disclosure - I guess I won't be taking diclegis anymore. It seems to have caused a tightness in my chest/chest pain/that feeling where you can't take a deep breath. Not good. I was trying to figure out other things that may have caused this feeling today, but the diclegis is the only new thing in my body and the feeling started late this morning and has increased/maintained consistent during the entire day and even up until now.

    Not only is this concerning health-wise, but I am also upset because I know this (a) isn't going to work for me like I had hoped and (b) that means I am back to feeling like complete crap tomorrow. So upsetting...not my miracle med after all.
  • I've been taking unisom and b6 for weeks now, and it is so helpful! I find it actually works better than zofran. I take 25mg unisom (doxylamine) and 50mg b6 before bed each night, and my whole next day is better! I went one night without it, and man, did I regret it. So cheap and so safe!
  • The big difference between Diclegis and just buying b6 and unisom over the counter is that Diclegis is formulated to be delayed release. So you take less medicine and it keeps your symptoms in check pretty much all day without having to take more. It makes a difference.

    It is expensive. With prescription insurance it was still $65 for 50 pills (25 day supply if you're on the lowest dose, less than two week supply if you're on the highest dose). But like a PP said, there is a coupon on their website that makes it $30. Which I would totally pay for the delayed-release stuff. :)
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  • My OB told me about Diclegis but said that since the pharmacy on base doesn't carry it, that it would be mostly, if not all, out of pocket and she could not, in good conscience, tell a patient to take it when it's just B6 + Unisom. She says it works, but no better than the OTC combo.
  • edited February 2014
    I tried diclegis Thursday night & felt better nausea wise, but I felt very out of it. I had such a hard time getting up and moving in the morning and I had an early appointment. I took it again on Friday night, thinking that I could sleep in Saturday and maybe I'd get used to the sleepiness. I could barely get out of bed yesterday because if the nausea. DH and I went to the vitamin shoppe to get some 25mg B6. It seemed to help yesterday in the afternoon, but today I've been dry heaving again. I know I could have upped the dose of the diclegis, but I felt like a zombie & didn't want to feel more out of it. I'm not sure what to do at this point.
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  • Sorry to hear about your "eh" experience with it, @JenniferAnn1972.

    Actually, I posted too soon about it to begin with. As it turns out, I am allergic to one of the two active ingredients, which is what caused my chest pain. So...not a miracle med for me, maybe it will be for somebody else. I did feel energetic and like my old self on it, so not being able to take it again gave me cause for a good cry this morning. Sigh, hormones. I am trying zofran now...FX.
  • @AR1of2 I'm sorry, I totally get the crying. Feeling this bad is tough. If I had only known this was coming when we invited neighbors over for the Super Bowl. I have no idea how I'm going to get through it.
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  • I'm 9 weeks and started taking diclegis right when I was 6 weeks. I love it. No more morning sickness!!!
  • Just wanted to update- I tried it again because I wasn't able to hold anything down for over 48 hours.  This time has been much better.  I still don't feel great, but I'm able to eat!
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  • I was throwing up 30+ times a day starting at about six weeks. 10 days into the ms, I called my doctor in tears. She prescribed Diclegis, and I did a thorough amount of research on it before taking it. There have been meta-analyses (gold standard in peer-reviewed medical research) that it's safe for pregnancy. Although it didn't clear up my ms completely, I was down to throwing up 5x daily instead of 30. I also take Zofran on occasion. I would highly recommend Diclegis to anyone with severe ms. It is a game changer and has made the nausea tolerable! Good luck to all you ms sufferers! It's been a lot harder than I had anticipated!
  • dalpowel said:
    I was throwing up 30+ times a day starting at about six weeks. 10 days into the ms, I called my doctor in tears. She prescribed Diclegis, and I did a thorough amount of research on it before taking it. There have been meta-analyses (gold standard in peer-reviewed medical research) that it's safe for pregnancy. Although it didn't clear up my ms completely, I was down to throwing up 5x daily instead of 30. I also take Zofran on occasion. I would highly recommend Diclegis to anyone with severe ms. It is a game changer and has made the nausea tolerable! Good luck to all you ms sufferers! It's been a lot harder than I had anticipated!
    Can this be spam? Considering all of her posts happened within 10 min all supporting this drug? Sounds like a pharm rep.
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  • egencsegencs member
    I took diclegis from 8 weeks until 20 weeks.. I tried going off of it around week 12 and 16 but nausea/vomitting came right back. It was a life saver for me considering I'd lost 12 lbs from not eating before I started this medication. The only thing that I wasn't too happy with is how I feel like I was in withdrawal when I finally went off of it. It lasted about 4 days but then I felt back to normal. I only took the 2 pills at night and not any during the day. Since the dosage is 4 a day.. I got 120 pills (one month supply) for my $30 copay.. It actually lasted me 2 months since I didn't take the full daily dosage. Hope that helps!
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