1st Trimester

Stomach Flu and being pregnant!

Soo last night we went to a couples new years eve party.  I was having a wonderful sober time until two of the couples started talking about how they were just sick over the weekend with the stomach flu!!! Throwing up and all.   I am terrified of getting the stomach flu.  I have had it twice in my life that I can recall and one of the times was from a birthday party I attended.  Anyhow, I'm driving my husband crazy because I am obsessing about getting it from this party we attended.  And I have read up and there is NOTHING I can do.  If I caught the virus, I'm screwed.  Sooooo...just wondering, have any of you ladies experienced the flu since being pregnant?  I can't imagine having it when I'm not pregnant, so now If I get it....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm in panic mode.  Is it too late to get a flu shot?

Re: Stomach Flu and being pregnant!

  • That is actually when I found out I was PG. Zofran and Phengren (sp?) are your best friends. My stomach virus only lasted a day then a few days to recover. I didn't actually have the 'flu', just the stomach bug. Not sure if this is the same one your talking about. Just keep up on your vitamins, wash your hands a lot, and don't touch your face. I hope you don't get it cuz it does suck!
  • I've always heard that you shouldn't get a flu shot while pregnant.  Not sure if there is another alternative though.
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  • I was just at my brother in laws house after all 3 of his kids had the stomach flu. I have been pretty sick over the last three days but i cant tell if its the morning sickness or stomach flu. My sister in law and mother in law were at their house at the same time and both got the stomach flu. They have both been throwing up and have diarrhea but I just threw up once but have been feeling pretty pukey the last three days. I didnt get the diarrhea though so i cant exactly tell if ive just been getting morning sickness or a lighter version of their stomach flu. Im actually hoping that its just morning sickness but I guess we'll see how I feel in the morning!

    Good luck! I hope you dont get it. Just take it easy and drink lots of fluids. Hopefully you can flush it out fast!

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  • Well, I can relate somewhat.  My boss came back to the office on Wednesday after being out half the week with the stomach flu, blech.  Of course, nobody knows I'm pregnant at work yet so while he's sitting there joking about bringing the virus to the office, I'm thinking, "Awesome."  lol  I'm not worried about it though.  I'm sure (hoping) it'll be fine!  Confused
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  • I would get a flu shot. You never know.
  • I just got over what I think was food poisoning and it sucked! I was throwing up from10:30 Tues night until yesterday at 7am every hour. And I am not a puker at all.  I haven't even had any m/s.  Yesterday was recovery day and I was very very tired and weak.  The flu shot does not protect against the stomach flu.  The best thing I can tell ya is to always wash your hands when you get home and if you do end up getting sick drink as much water as you can or you will get dehydrated.  I hope you don't get it!
  • It is too late to help you for this exposure, but will help you for the remainder of the flu season - a few more months.  A girl on my local got the flu about 2 days after her m/s ended :(.  Maybe just try to drink a lot (like you aren't already!) and get extra rest to help your body fight it off.

  • I had a stomach flu at 7 weeks. It wasn't fun, but it only lasted a day or two then it was over. Try to keep hydrated and rest up if you get it. Unfortunately there's not much you can do for it.  I had one in my first pregnancy as well.  Ironically, those are the only two times in my memory I've ever had a stomach virus.

    The flu shot is for the influenza virus, not the stomach "flu." They're completely unrelated, so it wouldn't do anything to help with exposure to a stomach bug.  Also, some docs say to get it at any time during your pregnancy, others say not until the 2nd trimester, so you would need to check with your dr and see if you can get it.  Mine won't allow it until 2nd trimester.

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  • The stomach flu is NOT THE FVCKING FLU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a completely different virus. Yes, get the flu shot to prevent the flu (google it if you must so you know what the actual symptoms are). If you've been exposed to a stomach bug, it's too late to do anything. You'll get it or you won't.


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  • The flu shot isn't going to help with the stomach flu, and I just had this horrible flu the week before Christmas.  I was throwing up for 5 days, and just started to feel like I am back to 100% this week.  I will say drink lots of water to stay hydrated and also throwing up water isn't that bad and it's much better than the dry wretching that kills your stomach. 

    I hope you don't get it!  Oh and my OB prescribed Zofran and it didn't help because of this being a virus and not just regular morning sickness.

  • I had the stomach flu right before Christmas and it was rough.  I think I was more scared that something would happen to the babies because of dehydration and the lack of eating.  Fortunately it was only about 24 hours for me while my husband had it for about 4 days.  Thankfully all still seems to be well.  If you do get sick just keep hydrated!   
  • imageflutiefrostie:

    The stomach flu is NOT THE FVCKING FLU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a completely different virus. Yes, get the flu shot to prevent the flu (google it if you must so you know what the actual symptoms are). If you've been exposed to a stomach bug, it's too late to do anything. You'll get it or you won't.

    Word. I freaking can not stand when people think the flu shot will keep them from throwing up. INFLUENZA IS A RESPIRATORY VIRUS!!!!!

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