Parenting after a Loss

my irrational fear about 09

2005 -- I met DH and fell madly in love

2006 -- we got engaged and bought our dream house

2007 -- we got married

2008 -- we were blessed with our beautiful healthy DD?


I've been blessed with so much these past few years that I'm absolutely terrified that I'm due for a bad one. Anyone else feel like this?

Re: my irrational fear about 09

  • What I have learned, after having what I would consider to be one of the worst years of my life, is that life doesn't have any guarantees.  Just because you've had 3 great years doesn't mean you are due for a bad one anymore than having three bad years guarantees you a good one (I wish I could promise myself a good year).  You just have to take today and live it the best you can and count your blessings as they are. 
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