Parenting after a Loss

she fell asleep ARMS OUT!

This is good news. We are trying to wean from the swaddle. I wish we could wean from the paci too but I don't think she's ready. I can't take away all of her comforts at once. Now I wonder how long she'll actually STAY asleep tonight. Fingers crossed. Mommy and Daddy are TIRED!

Re: she fell asleep ARMS OUT!

  • happy sleepy thoughts for you!! ?DS weaned himself at about that age. ?one night, we put him to bed with arms out and he faught/fussed/etc and then a few nights later we tried again and POOF he slept like a rock.


    fingers crossed!!?

  • That's awesome!  Hope she stay asleep for a long time tonight for you.

    DH and I are currently watching DD on the video monitor- I left out one arm tonight and she is sound asleep.  Hoping she'll make it at least until 3am!

    m/c 9/22/07 at 8w5d...BFP 12/23/07! DD born 9/4/2008, BFP 2/14/13...DS born 10/22/2013 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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