TED hose are expensive little suckers at the drug stores. I will probably have my nurses hunt them down for me.
Speaking of freebies from the hospital, I keep having the pharmacy tube over zofran when I am on call. I can't keep anything down. It's so irritating. The hysterectomy I did on Tuesday nearly killed me. Tears were streaming down my face as I fought back the nausea. Damn adhesions everywhere!
Thank goodness I will be an upperlevel (3rd year) come July......more sitting on call and hopefully sleep! I am going to need it. I have an ER month at 30-34 weeks....just hoping they cut me so slack and take it easy. We'll see.
I am just thankful I did not get pregnant as an intern like one of my classmates did. I thought she was insane at the time....but that woman was solid! Fellowship seems like a great time to have a baby.
Re: ** kpeterso76 **
Fellowship is not a bad time to be pregnant, I must admit. (I'm doing a breast surg onc fellowship, which can be busy at times, but nothing like residency, 80 hour work week my a**). I can't even imagine having a baby as an intern - I could barely take care of myself that year! Unfortunately, I'm due when I should be starting my first attending job, so money should be fun this summer.
You're right about the TEDs. I already swiped some from the hospital I did my residency at, but I'm definitely gonna grab another pair when I find out where they hide them. Luckily, I haven't needed the zofran, yet. It sounds like you're definitely having a rougher time of things. I hope it gets better soon! I know it probably doesn't go very far in OB/GYN residency, but you should play that pregnancy card as much as possible - they of all people should understand.
"Page" me anytime you need to talk. It is very different going through this as a physician (and especially during residency/fellowship). Good luck and feel better!
p.s. You know you can give zofran IM, so you could always keep your anesthesia colleagues "on call" during your cases to hit you up if you need it. We had a nasty GI bug go through the hospital once and my crazy thoracic attending had the CRNA at the ready with zofran and D50 for him during a case - it was a very memorable day for me