Parenting after a Loss

UPDATE:Work stress & pregnancy (charmedgrl517)

charmedgrl517charmedgrl517 member
edited January 2014 in Parenting after a Loss
I work in retail as an Asst Mgr. I've never been in this situation before since I have a new boss In the past 8 months. My boss before was like family and very understanding and caring. Not my new boss.
It's not am extremely physically demanding job but enough that I felt I should tell my boss about my pregnancy early due to lifting etc. This past Saturday, i was feeling nauseous and arrived to work 15 min late- i let him know in advance. When i got to work, another member of management was with my boss when he made gagging gestures at me since i was feeling nauseous. Later that day, my boss wanted me to use a ladder. I told him I wasn't comfortable getting on a ladder and he looked at me like I was out of line. I'm worried that work is going to be really stressful since he obviously doesn't care about my or my unborn baby's well being. He is not a nice person to begin with.
I am salary and work 40 hrs currently per week (before christmas we work 48hrs a week). All of a sudden my boss is saying we have to work 46 hrs/week.
I got a restriction note from the doc about not lifting more than 15 lbs and not using ladders at all.
I don't really know where I'm going with is. I guess I'm just venting and see if maybe any of you have had experience with this or advice? Thank you :

Thank you ladies for your advice :)
UPDATE: I gave my boss a restriction letter from my doc on lifting - no more than 10lbs And no pushing more than 15lbs. Also no using a ladder at all. I also called HR about it and told them about his inappropriate comment/gesture to me in front of another employee.
He talked to me today and said that I'm first pregnant employee that he has dealt with which has to be a lie because he has been a manager for 12 Years here! So he doesn't know what the restrictions are and that if he asks me for something I shouldn't then just tell him! I guess I was wrong to assume that it is common sense to not lift anything more than 15 -5 lbs during pregnancy! Then he tells me that he understands me being pregnant because his wife was high risk with gestational diabetes with both of their kids who are young-4 and 2 yrs old. So again you would think he would know not to ask me to lift or get on a ladder etc. He is an idiot!

TTC since 7/10, BFP#1~6/28/11(4wks2d)~EDD 3/4/12, missed m/c(8wks)~8/12/11, D&C~8/16/11
BFP#2~12/15/11~EDD 8/25/12, Hannah born 8/22/12~ 7lbs 10oz & 21 in. long. :)

BFP#3~1/12/14~EDD 9/23/14, Found out baby is a girl!~4/18/14 :)

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Re: UPDATE:Work stress & pregnancy (charmedgrl517)

  • I am so sorry you are having to deal with this :( I would definitely tell him as soon as you feel comfortable that you are expecting, who knows, maybe he'll be more understanding. I really hope so :(

    imageimageimageTTC since 07/11 | natural m/c 08/11 | BFP 12/6/2011 | Elinor Anna born 8/18/2012 | BFP #2 1/16/2014
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Thank you. I did tell him that's why I'm upset that he is acting like I should have no restrictions. :(

    TTC since 7/10, BFP#1~6/28/11(4wks2d)~EDD 3/4/12, missed m/c(8wks)~8/12/11, D&C~8/16/11
    BFP#2~12/15/11~EDD 8/25/12, Hannah born 8/22/12~ 7lbs 10oz & 21 in. long. :)

    BFP#3~1/12/14~EDD 9/23/14, Found out baby is a girl!~4/18/14 :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker



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    || [url=http;//www.
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  • If I were you I would get a note from your doctor about any restrictions and give it to your boss.  He's going to be in a hell of a mess if he requires you to do something against doctor's orders or disciplines you for failing to do what he asks when you have been medically ordered not to do so. 
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers 

    BFP #1 6/28/11 ~ EDD 3/7/12 ~ m/c 7/15/11 at 6w2d
    BFP #2 8/29/11 ~ EDD 5/12/12. 4/25/12: Our take home baby is here!
     BFP #3 8/27/13 ~ EDD 5/11/14.  4/27/14:  Our second take home baby is here!

  • Since you have a doctors note what he is doing is illegal & unethical. I worked in restaurant management & operations for years & never expected a person with a doctors note to do anything against it....especially someone who is pregnant. Can you go to your area supervisor or HR?
    TTC January 2010
    BFP #1 10-11-10 ectopic discovered 10-22-10, 10-23-10 methotrexate & emergency surgery, lost right tube BFP #2 12-1-10 Found to be tissue dropped from salingectomy or missed heterotopic pregnancy from BFP #1 BFP #3 1-30-11 DS arrived on due date 10-10-11 BFP #4 Surprise 9-3-12 EDD 5-9-13 DS2 arrived 5-5-13 BFP #5 5-14-14 Emergency D&C 6-16-14 9 weeks
  • I'm sorry your boss is a butthole.  I think in this situation you need to disclose the pregnancy early and make your medical restrictions clear.  Is there an hour stipulation in your contract?  That seems like something that can't just be changed without a formal agreement.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP#1 10 wk missed mc      

    BFP#2 DS born at 40+2 on 8/14/12  BFP#3 DD Born at 39+3 on 5/13/14

  • I'm sorry your boss is a butthole.  I think in this situation you need to disclose the pregnancy early and make your medical restrictions clear.  Is there an hour stipulation in your contract?  That seems like something that can't just be changed without a formal agreement.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP#1 10 wk missed mc      

    BFP#2 DS born at 40+2 on 8/14/12  BFP#3 DD Born at 39+3 on 5/13/14

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