1st Trimester


Hi there. Not sure if you saw my reply to your other post about your New Years wish. I also have had some spotting issues. I'm not bleeding, but occasionally I have pink or brown spotting. At first it was just after a BM, but lately it has happened a few other times. I went to the dr. last week and he said that I have a cervical polyp (had one when pg with my DD too, but didn't have this much spotting but it was later in the pregnancy) and that is what is likely causing the bleeding. He said that everything looked good and my cervix is closed. Honestly though, I'm still a nervous wreck anytime I see the spotting. I'm just looking forward to my first u/s on Tuesday and hoping that all is ok.

Just wanted you to know that you are not alone. BTW, we are only due 1 day apart!

Re: Margeincharge

  • your daughter is soooo cute!
  • imageminipyro:
    your daughter is soooo cute!


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  • Hi Ellen- I appreciate the response. It is comforting to know I'm not alone. I remember you from one of my earlier posts about spotting. I feel like it's all I talk about anymore. lol.

    It's comforting to know so many ladies had spotting and even bleeding and are fine. Although I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I think it's just so hard to see the spotting/bleeding and think things are ok. You know?

    I keep telling myself to trust my body and as long as I feel ok, to just go with it.

    I do love seeing other August 20~something ladies. I'm not sure what my exact due date will end up being. The one u/s I was measuring one day behind, which would put me at August 20 instead of August 19. I'm sure I'll know more soon.

    GL with your first u/s. It is such a relief to be able to see the little one. I should feel fortunate that I've actually had 2 u/s now...although I'd rather forgo that than have the bleeding. 

    P.S. Your daughter is adorable!  

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  • Thanks for the comment on Hannah:) She my little miracle.

    Try not to worry too much. Hopefully, the bleeding will not last too long. I have a feeling that I'm going to have this spotting for awhile, but I think I'll feel a little better about it after the 1st trimester is over. With Hannah, I had spotting around 14-15 weeks and that's when I found out that I had a cervical polyp. 

    I'm pretty certain on my due date since I know when I ovulated, but I guess we will see what they say on Tuesday. 

    Chat soon. Hang in there and enjoy that ice cream!

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