I need to think of something else, preferable something funny.
After feeling good that my bleeding might have stopped, it picked up again. This now marks 3 days with bleeding. I've got a lovely subchorionic hematoma.
I don't know why but the resurgance right now just got to me, especially since there was some clotting. Still no pain, though. I spent the last 20 minutes bawling because I feel like something is wrong with my body. As of two days ago, baby was ok. I just don't know how long the bleeding will go on and I'm terrified it is going to turn into something worse.
So I need something else to think about. Thanks for humoring me ladies!
Re: Someone distract me please...
I don't really have anything funny to say. I just wanted to offer my support. ((hugs))
How about treating yourself to some ice cream or something yummy to take your mind off things?
My MIL just told me that she is bathing her dog because she is starting to smell as bad as MY dog. huh?
I wish I could make it all better for you, but at least a little funny story here...
Last week, when I told my coworker I had to go to my "gyn" appointment, she told me, "Make sure you get your BCP refilled, you don't want any 'surprises'!" (this is how she ended up with her now 2 year old). Man is she gonna feel like an idiot when she finds out about my "surprise".
Ok, the pee thing is definitely funnier, but I tried.
You ladies rock! Thanks for the funny stories and words of support. I feel better already.
kpeters- It is funny the things people say when they don't know you're pg. My good friend was telling me how many of her friends have announced they were pg and then she said "So I hope you don't have any announcement for me." Mum was the word from me as we're not telling anyone yet.
Ha ha. I did that once. But it was because I was a drunk high schooler who couldn't hold my Boone's Farm very well.
That happened to me, and I wasn't even throwing up that hard. I didn't tell anyone...