I had an exam on fri and my doctor poked around my cervix so she told me some spotting is normal, although it didn't start till just now. I wasn't really worried but now I'm having a bit of cramping. Should I call the on call doctor or is this normal? I have had cramping on and off the whole pregnancy, nothing severe and it's always been attributed to growing pains. Just a little odd that they're happening simultaneously..
Re: Spotting and cramping at 22 weeks?
Married 8.1.2010
DD #1: Arrived 10.7.2011
TTC #2 Since March 2013
BFP 5.20.2013, EDD 1.26.2014, natural mc @ 5 wks 5.25.2013
BFP 6.21.2013, EDD 3.14.2014, Twins - missed mc @ 7w6d, D&C 8.6.2013
BFP 10.7.2013, EDD June 20 2014 - It's a GIRL!