The first ever dedicated cloth diaper store opened in my area last week. My sister just have me a gift certificate for my birthday! I hear that they have an awesome selection, so this will be a good excuse to get something just for fun
Married 6/18/11
BFP #1 10/26/12 DS born 6/30/13
BFP #2 10/30/13 MC 11/25/13
BFP #3 1/18/14 DS #2 born 10/7/14
Re: Happy birthday to me!
<a href="" title="Parenting Tips"><img src="" alt=" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker" border="0" /></a>
IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
beta #2 11/28 = 2055
Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!