2nd Trimester

Gender Guess?

I wasn't sure if there was a Gender board so I figured I'd just post here. This is my 12 week scan. Ultrasound tech says she is 90% sure it's a boy. Midwife says it's too early to tell. I have my anatomy scan in a week but I was just curious what you ladies thought. The arrow is pointing to its parts.


Re: Gender Guess?

  • Yeah, it was just frusterating because the ultrasound tech seemed positive. But my midwife said even she wouldn't be able to tell so early. Welp, I've only got one more week to wait!
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  • @bridetobe4297 : 12 weeks is too early to guess sex by ultrasound. The parts still look the same.

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  • Anatomy scan at 13 weeks? wut?

    Yeah I don't buy it but I can't see signatures.

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  • Yeah don't count on it! My dd1 looked the same and guess what it was her clitoris!!! Haha we still giggle about it today :)
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    6th pregnancy It's a BOY

  • Why are you having your anatomy scan at 13 weeks? That seems way to early.

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  • there is an ultrasound board on babycenter.com where an u/s tech guesses based on the nub theory. the potty shot isn't the right angle at 12 wks. you need the side profile of the body because it has to do with the alignment with the spine. it was correct for both of my previous babies (u/s techs told us their guesses and their nubs were textbook) but this last baby got both girl and boy guesses so we will have to wait and see. it really is all a guess until 15wks or so. 

    even still, i never believe anything until that 20wk anatomy scan later on. 
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  • Anatomy scan at 13 weeks? wut?

    That's exactly what I was thinking...
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    DD 8/11 | DS1 7/13 | DS2 7/13
  • Anatomy scan at 13 weeks? wut?

    That's exactly what I was thinking...
    I think she is posting her 12w u/s from a few weeks ago, not one that she just had today. That is how I interpreted it anyways.

    Op- like others have said, 12w is just to early to tell. I'm assuming you will be 18-20w at your a/s next week and if so you will get a much better idea of the sex. Luckily you only have a week to wait!
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  • Sorry for the confusion guys, this ultrasound was from 12 weeks just never posted it. My anatomy scan is friday and I will be 22 weeks and some days!
  • Guess I used the wrong word. Oops. Oh well
  •  Your midwife is not correct. I just had an ultra sound at 12 weeks  to detect any abnormalities since I am 35 years old, and it was so clear to everyone in the room that it was a boy... It was loud and clear. The tech said that it is usually too early to tell , but in some cases it's pretty clear. There was no doubt in her mind that it's a boy.... and we all saw the little penis at the same time....
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  • It's a boy! Had my anatomy scan 2 days ago at 22 weeks 4 days. So excited :)
  • Congratulations on your baby boy!
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