I wasn't sure if there was a Gender board so I figured I'd just post here. This is my 12 week scan. Ultrasound tech says she is 90% sure it's a boy. Midwife says it's too early to tell. I have my anatomy scan in a week but I was just curious what you ladies thought. The arrow is pointing to its parts.
Re: Gender Guess?
09/23/11 - Married DH
04/01/13 - BFP at 4wks
05/30/13 - MMC - BO @ 12wks 5d
08/29/13 - BFP @ 4wks 4d
09/17/13 - 7wks 2d - Normal HB Detected! Baby measuring perfect for dates and positioning!
10/23/13 - 12wks 3d - Perfect NT scan! HB 167 & baby wriggling, waving & yawning!
12/17/13 - 20wks 2 d - We're having a beautiful baby girl! Go Team Pink!
05/03/14 - Bobbie Gloria was born at 39+6 weighing 6lb 14oz!
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
2nd pregnancy -TWINS lost DD1 twin at 8 weeks 6 days DD1 born 6 weeks early
3rd pregnancy- TWINS AGAIN lost both babies at 9 week appt
4th pregnancy- singleton- born at 38 weeks 1 day with the help of weekly 17P injections
5th pregnancy- CP in June
6th pregnancy It's a BOY
Op- like others have said, 12w is just to early to tell. I'm assuming you will be 18-20w at your a/s next week and if so you will get a much better idea of the sex. Luckily you only have a week to wait!