2nd Trimester

Why do you love having girls?

I'm copying off of the boy post here.  I have an eight year DS, and I am due with a girl in June.  I have had so many years raising a boy that I feel a little detatched by the idea of a girl.  Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely thrilled that I am going to have a DD. However, if one more person tells me that I'm going to have so much fun buying hairbows, I'm going to scream!  I'm sure my daughter will be more complex than just a head to put hair bows on.   

So...STM's, why do you loving having a girl?

Re: Why do you love having girls?

  • OP, thanks for posting this! I'm having a girl as well and am looking forward to the responses! :)
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  • I have a very girly girl daughter. She's all about barbies and dress up! She also has a shoe obsession which is adorable now but probably will get overwhelming when she's a teen! DD loves to be "just like mommy". Wear matching clothes and shoes and she likes me to do her hair the same way I do mine. She has such a wonderful imagination and she's so silly and so much fun.
  • my doctor thinks I'm having a girl, hopefully I will get a confirmation soon so that I can start planning and buying things for the nursery!

    I'm so thrilled it could be a girl. I think beside the bows and frills and girls stuff which I intend to go crazy on. I think a woman is mostly thrilled about having a girl because it's a mini her, she can relate to her more than a boy, I'm not saying with a boy she won't be affectionate or any less loving or caring, but when your having a girl it's like your bringing a small mini you who might be your future best girl friend forever. 

    My mom and I, I'm her eldest, get Manis together, share hair and makeup tips, share husband taming tips "kidding lol" recipes etc, I have a strong bond with my dad especially that we are similar in character and both work in the same field but my bond with mom is different in the way that we are the same "kind" in a way? we can relate to eachother's feelings and wishes etc.
    God Bless You my Little One
    Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
    Farida, at 8 weeks
  • My DD is 4 years old and she's my heart. I hoped so much that when I was pregnant with her that she was a girl and when I found out she was I was ecstatic!!  I'm a girly girl so I love shopping for her. When she was a baby I couldn't wait for the time when she would be talking and asking me questions. Now that she does, I'm just amazed by what she knows and understands. When I was growing up everyone used to call me my mother's shadow. My mother and I are so close. I'm so glad my daughter and I are exactly the same way. She's girly girly just like me. And she is such a helper!! No matter what I do she wants to help me or her grandma. So I know when this next one comes along she's going to want to treat him like her own baby. Her smile, her baby cheeks which she still has that I can just bite, the way she'll randomly say "I love you mommy." She's just the sweetest, I could go and on. :x  Congrats on your little girl!
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  • My DD is 12 years old.

    Hair ribions, bows and ruffles, pretty dresses, pink and purple, all that stuff is great. But the closeness my daughter and I have built? That's the best thing about having a girl. :)

    This exactly! My DD is 12 and I love our bond. Yes she loved bows and tutus that was adorable to see her bounce around in them but it's more than that.

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  • I have two daughters and a son and will have another daughter in May.  While all children have individual personalities that are dependent mostly on who they are as a person, I believe it is totally politically correct to state that there is no difference between girls and boys.  I say this as a feminist who doesn't think either sex is better than the other.  

    What do I love about girls?  I love their versatility.  Both my girls can be total "girly girls" who love getting their nails painted and who love getting in tutus to practice their ballet moves but they also love touching reptiles at the zoo and finding worms in the backyard.  I love dressing them up for special occasions.  I love how sweet and empathetic my oldest daughter is.  My second daughter is spunky but still very caring.  Both girls are very excited about the impending arrival of their new sister and are such awesome little mommies to their little brother.  They are both very smart and respond to reason.  For instance, they understand that if they play quietly while their brother sleeps, that is more time that they get to play with their tiny legos which can't be out when their brother is awake.  
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers mc #1 2/17/06 mc#2 8/3/06 mc #3 9/7/09
  • Having a girl is the best. I thought I *wanted* a boy first! but we had a girl and I can't imagine it another way. She is so sweet, and I just love to watch her natural nurturing... She is 18 months and takes care of her dolls really well :) She is so sweet, smart, energetic, and is completely a mommy's girl! Though sometimes I think she just likes to have fun teasing my husband :) She is independent and strong willed. She loves having her toenails painted, but can definitely run with the boys! (7 boy cousins). I can't wait to see how our relationship grows over time. I'm looking forward to girls nights/girl trips when she is older!
  • MY DD is the sweetest little girl in the world and so much fun! I love that she will cuddle with me whenever I want.  She's such a sweetheart and I can't imagine life without her.  We also watch Disney princess movies on all of my days off! Fun fun :)
  • I think the most satisfying thing is seeing so much of myself in my little girl- the way she walks, her comments, the way she twirls her hair. I love the bond that we have. She will also randomly say, "I love you mommy," and ask for a hug and a kiss. She's so sensitive and caring. She's going to be a wonderful big sister!
  • I love having a little girl more than anything, but not for reasons most would think. She's so far from girly, not a tomboy, she's just... Piper. She's an amazing person, more of an individual than most adults i know, and she's very confidant in herself and what she likes. She will gladly wear a skirt with her favorite rock bands tee shirt, and play zombies in her doll house.

    She's a lot like her mommy. I would have been happy no matter if she we're make or female, but I was glad when she's turned out to be female for the simple fact that I thought I would be able to relate to her a little better than I would have if she had been a boy. This child I will be happy whether it's a girl or boy, because I'm much more confidant in myself as a mother.





                                                                 Big Sister Piper

    Born at 37 weeks, strong NICU survivor

    Friday, November 13th, 2009, 7:17 AM

    Baby Brother Link

     Born sleeping at 19 weeks with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus

    Sunday, March 2nd, 2014, 7:27 PM


  • My daughter is 50% tom boy and 50% princess. Every kid is different. I love how nuturing she can be and how rough she can be. She is truly a blessing.
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