2nd Trimester

Do you plan to have a 3D Ultrasound?

I'm on the fence.

When I went for my first child her face was in the placenta the entire time. All we saw were her lips! But we did get to see the rest of her body- really cool experience in that respect.

At least the place didn't charge me!

Re: Do you plan to have a 3D Ultrasound?

  • We just went at 25 weeks.. it was awesome!! We saw her sticking out her tongue and yawning. It was pretty amazing. They gave us the pictures and a 15 minute video of the entire ultrasound. 
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  • Probably not. As cool as i think it would be, I just can't see us shelling out a decent amount of money for something like that. Especially since we already have a child and are trying to prepare for our second, that money could be spent on something we actually NEED.
  • This is my 4th baby and the 20 week A/S is the only ultrasound we ever do and 3D has always been apart of it (they also give us a DVD).  We've never requested nor had to pay for it (our insurance covers everything).  The pictures never bother me like they do some.  I find the 3D are better to look at then the alternative and at that stage of the pregnancy its not like it took away from the surprise of when we saw the baby at delivery. 
  • Yes, but only because my DH just left and won't be back until I'm 36 weeks.  I'll send him the DVD and stuff, it'll be his birthday present.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Will I have an elective 3d ultrasound?  Absolutely not.  I had my a/s today and we did got lots of great 3d images.  :)


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  • I have no idea what it even costs but I have been told often that it wasn't worth it. There's a short window of time where the baby isn't weird looking but still has room to show his/her face. Every one I've ever seen has looked the exact same, and it's not like you won't see her face soon! I see a specialist and I think they can switch over to 3D and print some pictures, and my next one is in a couple of weeks. I'll take a peek if that's the case, but other than that I'll just assume she looks like my last two babies!

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  • Only if it's inexpensive/free with the regular appointment. Which it probably won't be. So I probably won't. 

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  • I am going to, but it is only because DH works over 100 miles from where I live and he can't make any of my appointments. I did a "pregnancy confirmation" elective u/s at 12 weeks so he could see the LO and he started crying (totally worth the $60). He has been way more excited since then! DH made me promise I wouldn't find out the sex of LO without him. He said he wants to share the moment with me, so that means a 3D u/s in about a month.
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  • We did this at 18 weeks just because we wanted the gender to reveal to our whole family as a Christmas present, and I couldn't wait until 1/6/2014!

    Anyhow, the money wasn't an issue for us, but because of a minor technical difficulty at their office that morning that held up the appointment, they gave us $40 off the package, and it was originally supposed to be the gender + 3 prints of "sneak peak" 4D images (because they only offer those if baby cooperates and normally the imaging specifically is done 24+ weeks i think). However, oh my did this baby cooperate! Worth EVERY penny, discounted or not, and the lady even made us a free video and instead of just 3 prints, we got 3 prints, and they made a disc with 24 4D images on it for us to use however we like.

    At 18 weeks, she was moving her mouth, visible as all get out (and i have an anterior placenta), sucking her thumb, and posing. So my experience with it was so wonderful I want to go again at 28 weeks to see more detail! All my girlfriends recommended it to me, and I would recommend it to other moms if they don't take issue with the cost. (If it helps, it was a $135 package that ended up only costing us $95. But we bought additional "Heartbeat Animal Plushes" that play her heartbeat to give to our parents for Christmas and keep one for us, which I LOVE!)
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  • I got mine booked in for 1st feb can't wait :) this is 2nd baby and we couldn't afford it first time around, mean as though we have most the baby equipment from before we are gonna go for it ;). It's £90 to go private in uk which wud be 150 dollars ...
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