2nd Trimester

Movement question

I know this has been posted but I can't find it. I started feeling movement the day after Christmas (I'm now 20 weeks and a few days) and since I've started feeling it I've felt it pretty regularly. I feel it the strongest when I'm sitting but I always feel movement multiple times a day. It seems like the last few days I've felt a lot less. We had our 20 week ultrasound on Monday and she was just fine and wiggling like crazy so I'm not too worried, just making sure the decline in movement the last few days isn't something I should call my doctor about. Thanks!

Re: Movement question

  • It's normal.. that's why Dr's say not to start kick counts til 28 weeks. Even then, babies have sleepy days where they won't be as active. As long as you're still feeling movement, I wouldn't worry. If you do get worried, try drinking cold juice or water and see if that wakes the baby up a little... If it doesn't try something with some caffeine like a soda or a cup of coffee. If THAT doesn' work, call your OB or on call Dr and see what they advise. They may tell you to go to L&d to be monitored. This happened to me during my first PG some time around 20 weeks I think?
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