I had to go to the ER yesterday because my migraine (the one I posted about a day or two ago) had gotten SO bad I just couldn't take it. My blood pressure and pulse were through the roof, I set off the machine into crazy beeping. I waited three HOURS for a doctor (the nurses wouldn't give medicine to a PG lady), and when he finally came in he asked, "So, why didn't you take a Zomig/Imitrex, etc?" I answered because the OB said not to... and he said they were category C so it was not deemed "good" but not horrible either.?
I was given a lovely drug cocktail of toradol, compazine, and benedryl... and given the okay to take Imitrex if it gets that bad again. He said me having raised blood pressure and pulse was DEFINITELY bad for the baby, so it was better to take a drug that was, in all?likelihood, not going to hurt anything.?
I'm not saying take migraine drugs willy nilly, but you might want to talk to your doctor about if it will actually hurt anything if you are suffering badly. ?
Re: ER doc said Zomig was okay (for the migraine ladies)
Adoption made our wish come true 12.21.11~JEC 11.10.10
Surprise BFP on 03.26.16! EDD 11.28.16
Any reputable spa won't give a massage to someone in their first tri. Not sure why, but my doc said to wait until 2nd tri and get the prenatal massage.
First off, chiro's don't crack your bones. They adjust your spine to clear interference to your nervous system. Interference is probably causing your migraines. I would seek out a chiropractor before I started putting ANY drugs into my body for a migraine especially if I were pregnant.
Adoption made our wish come true 12.21.11~JEC 11.10.10
Surprise BFP on 03.26.16! EDD 11.28.16