Hi and Happy New Year!
So yes- I know dry skin is common when you are prego and yes- you need to drink water and yes- use skin friendly moisturizers...
But-OMFG! My face is peeling off!
I have now used 4 different moisturizers, drink water- wash my face before I go to bed, etc. etc. and nothing is working.
Literary- 10 minutes after I put lotion on my face it feels so dry ?in particular around the mouth and nose area.
And I am not kidding about the peeling- it?s horrible!
Any other sufferers out there? In the name of all that is holly- what do you use?!!!!!!
This is becoming stupid! I feel like I need to buy a waist strap and pump and carry my moisturizer around with me! haha!
Re: My face is peeling off!