2nd Trimester


Hey mommas! Just curious to see if and what all you other ladies are stockpiling before baby arrives. I'm 17 weeks and just last week decided to start buying some diapers. I'd say I may have gone a little crazy. I've gotten two jumbo boxes of 200+ size ones in luvs and huggies. And a 200+ box of huggies size 2. FYI diapers.com has ten dollars off a case and free shipping! Let me know what you ladies are doing out there!

Re: Stockpiling

  • The way I figure it is I can always exchange for the right size/brand I need. I plan on "testing" the different brands with the smaller bags of diapers I get from my shower. I'd really rather prefer having everything and having my biggest worry be exchanging the pack for the right one. For me it is less stressful.
  • We didn't buy any diapers in advance.  As soon as MIL found out I was pregnant she started buying us the megasized boxes of luvs size ones.  We had something like 800 size one diapers when lo was born.  Guess what, we needed newborns.  We had listened to the prevailing advice that babies don't fit newborn sizes of diapers or clothes.  We took the remainder of the pack they gave us at the hospital home with us and ended up buying a lot of newborn sized diapers by the time lo was ready for the size ones.  So I highly suggest you get at least one package of newborns to have on hand just in case.  

    DH also had to run out and buy a couple more newborn sleepers because we had received a couple of gifts and figured we didn't need more…..we were wrong.  

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  • I'm cloth diapering so I'm slowly building my stash. It's fun! You could always stock pile cloths too. I bought 2 holiday type dresses that were 50% off for next Thanksgiving/Christmas :-)
  • I'm cloth diapering so I'm slowly building my stash. It's fun! You could always stock pile cloths too. I bought 2 holiday type dresses that were 50% off for next Thanksgiving/Christmas :-)
    Be careful with this.  Your child may not follow the sizing.  For example my 16 month old wears 12 months and can still fit in 9 months.  You could end up with Christmas outfits that fit at Easter or winter gear that fits in June.  When it comes to buying clothes in advance try to stick to stuff that is more year round. DS has several things that have never been worn because they fit at the wrong time of year.

  • I agree about not stockpiling.  We received quite a few packs of diapers at my showers, so I didn't need to worry too much about that, and we took a lot home from the hospital.  I can't imagine trying to return a jumbo case of diapers because that brand ended up not working for LO.  Just one more thing to add to my to do list?  No thank you.  We just bought cases as we needed them (or asked my mother to bring a case by when she was coming to visit).
  • kmdendykmdendy member
    edited January 2014
  • I am 25 weeks and I also bought a Christmas dress for next year. It was a $58 dress that was on sale for $11 at Macy's.  I figure that I will leave the tag on it and if my baby doesn't fit into it, I will bring it to a consignment shop (with the $58 tag on it) and sell it for more than $11.  Win Win. 
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  • We're not. Once we know which brands work best for LO then I'll start.
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  • Towards the end, I started stockpiling things for the house: laundry detergent, trash bags, dish washing liquid, bottled water, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. I was soo glad I did.

    Now THAT makes sense. OP and FTMs, I know it's exciting to spend money and start buying for baby, but like everyone else has said, it is better to just wait. Hauling a baby around to make returns is no fun at all. I have been Pinning things and started a private wish list on Amazon - makes me feel like I am planning ahead but I'm not spending money on things that might not work out.
  • Nope... different babies like different things. What worked with my daughter may not work with my son. Will buy a few small packs of different brands and see what's best..
  • Like other second time moms..no to stockpiling until you know what works for your baby. I only loved pampers when I first had my son. As he grew it was huggies all the way to avoid leaks etc. I tried babies r us brand - terrible crunky diapers hated them.

    Married: 5/09 ~ TTC Since: 10/10 ~ PCOS ~ Progesterone from 10/10 - 2/11 ~ HSG on 3/18 - Clear ~ Started Metformin 1000mg & Clomid 50mg 2/11 ~ Metformin upped to 1500mg 4/6 ~ 6/7 Now going to SG and put on Clomid, Ovidrel, Gonal F, Prometrium, Estrace ~ IUI #1 7/2 = BFP!!!!!! March 6th our little man was born. 

    6/17/13 - Ovidrel, Follistim, Prometrium ~ IUI #1 7/2 = BFP! March 17th our St. Pattys day baby arrived

    10/29/17 - Started process for IVF, got pregnant & miscarried a 2nd time since summer. 2/22 started stims - Menopur, Gonal F, Cetrotide - retrieval 3/6 - , PIO, estrace 3xday - FET 4/18 = Beta 1: 616; Beta 2: 1342 = BFP 

  • I decided to start stocking up on adult food too. I found a couple good articles on Pinterest about making crock pot meals and freezing them so later all you had to do was toss them in the pot. I figured I probably won't want to cook much once baby gets here so better make some "premade" dinners.
  • I have friends and clients that are giving me so much stuff I wouldn't buy. At first I thought I shouldn't take it but I feel like because I don't know what will work for us, I'm just taking everything. I've been given diapers in unopened packages, cradles, co-sleepers, clothes, hangers etc. It's a little messy but it's better than me having to spend the money I guess.
  • mysticl said:
    I'm cloth diapering so I'm slowly building my stash. It's fun! You could always stock pile cloths too. I bought 2 holiday type dresses that were 50% off for next Thanksgiving/Christmas :-)
    Be careful with this.  Your child may not follow the sizing.  For example my 16 month old wears 12 months and can still fit in 9 months.  You could end up with Christmas outfits that fit at Easter or winter gear that fits in June.  When it comes to buying clothes in advance try to stick to stuff that is more year round. DS has several things that have never been worn because they fit at the wrong time of year.

    I agree. I usually don't buy but DH saw those dresses and wanted them full price so when I saw them 50% off I got them. For him really... ;-) If its something that can be worn year round (I live in south Texas) on a good deal I'll get it.
  • nalaundinalaundi member
    edited January 2014
    I am stockpiling absolute basic cloths a few in 0-3m (till after baby showers)  a good amount in 3-6 and a few in  in sizes up to 9 months as that is clearance winter from this year to next.  (we are expecting a boy the first week in May)
    But, like those who posted before me the cute outfits will wait so that I know sizing before I waste an adorable outfit. 

    As for diapers we were gifted 3 weeks worth of newborn/ size 1 diapers and a huge box of wipes. we will be cloth diapering once these are finished. 

    Cloth diapering,,, well I am all set. 5 months of research, a few different types in case I like something else. the bulk of the stash is the tried and true staples. Prefolds and Covers. Easy to wash, no Microfiber, usable past standard sizing by trifolding and usable to stuff in pockets if wanted. and most importantly CD friendly detergent and dryer balls (made myself to save money)
  • I'm starting to buy wipes if I have a coupon and see they are on sale. You can NEVER have too many. I just buy the sensitive brand.

    Neither DH not DD or myself has any skin sensitives so I don't feel like I will have to return them. In the off chance i do I've taped the receipt to the box.

    I also agree with pp to stock up on toilet paper/paper towels/ect.
  • Towards the end, I started stockpiling things for the house: laundry detergent, trash bags, dish washing liquid, bottled water, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. I was soo glad I did.
    This is the one thing I've done. Stuff I'm not going to want to have to run out and get when I'm home alone with a 3-week old and still not feeling like myself. 

    We're also scheduling check-ups for our cats a little earlier so we don't have to worry about lugging their big furry butts and a newborn to the vet. I figure anything I can avoid having to do in those post-partum weeks is a gift I'm giving myself for the summer. :)

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I have friends and clients that are giving me so much stuff I wouldn't buy. At first I thought I shouldn't take it but I feel like because I don't know what will work for us, I'm just taking everything. I've been given diapers in unopened packages, cradles, co-sleepers, clothes, hangers etc. It's a little messy but it's better than me having to spend the money I guess.
    Nothing wrong with taking the offerings. Anything you can't use can be a hand-me-down to another friend, or even better, a nice donation to a woman's shelter or something like that. 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I coupon, so I have started stockpiling an assortment of diapers and wipes. Last CVS trip I ended up making $15, so whatever I don't/can't use I'll just give away without feeling bad about wasting money. :)
  • I also stockpile wipes and diapers. I'm a couponer and try to keep my price per diaper pretty low. When dd was born, I didn't have to buy diapers for her until she was almost two! Like others, I also stockpile paper towels, toily, detergent, etc.
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  • khaalid00khaalid00 member
    edited January 2014
    I add things to my Amazon wishlist as a stockpile...Ready to buy if needed! Plus I can edit the list if things changed. I am carefully buying items one month closer to due date like socks, onsies, baby wipes to home stockpiling 'cause DH is not a good shopper, and things will get done last minute! Saving myself the headaches and frustration ahead of time.
  • Haven't started yet, but I plan to get several meals in the freezer prior to the baby being born. Either preassembled dishes like lasagnas or Crockpot ready meals. I'm also hoping family will help out. My mother in law was so good to us in this regard last time.

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • I've started stockpiling as well. Right now I have about 210 newborn pampers swaddlers & 400 size 1 diapers. I got a great deal from Walgreens in December, their store brand diapers were packs of 50 for $9.99 but they had a deal of buy one get one free so 100 diapers for $9.99 with no limit on # purchased. That said, with DS we found that target's up & up diapers were far superior than most of the name brand ones. Hopefully these work well too, but chances are when I do need more diapers I will be going back to Target. All that I have now tho were on sale so I thought it was worth it. Today I just cleaned & organized the chest freezer so I can start planning freezer meals to make & have on hand after the ill one arrives.
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