1st Trimester

*~* July Sparklers' New Years Day Check-in *~*

Welcome to the July Sparklers? daily check-in!  This is a group for women who are due in July 2009.  To be added to the list, please reply to this post with your name, age, and EDD.  You may also let me know if your age or EDD has changed!


As you find out what the sex of your baby is, please let me know (by posting it in your reply to this check-in or by emailing me) so we can keep track of the number of boys, girls, and surprises!


Are you new and feeling a little lost?  You might find these links helpful: Bump abbreviations, Bump badges, create a ticker, Bump FAQs.


Have an idea for a QOTD (question of the day)? Email me at MamaJan0208 at gmail dot com.


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Group Stats

Total members: 438

Sets of Twins: 11

Boys:                      Girls:                       Surprises: 12

Most common EDD: July 4 (23 members)

Least common EDD: July 27 (6 members)


July 1 (15)

allicia82 (Allicia, 26)

AZ2MN4LOVE (Briana)

Brittanie_1987 (Brittanie, 21)

CAParisi (30)

Chrysallys (Jennifer, 36)

debisheldon (Debi, 30) ? TWINS!

desabean (36)

lucyatx (35)

musicamh (Ashley)

msummer615 (Michelle, 28)

PnJ Mooney (Jacqueline, 25)


skorpia1074 (Lina)

skylooo (Katie, 26)

Zeener (Azine, 28)

July 2 (16)

3PupsAndABaby (Kimmie, 25)

Aimee&Bill (Aimee, 32)


emilyatpsu (Emily, 26)

HisLovf (Jen, 26)

jrodda (28)

kkmack (Kristen, 25)

NewBride0423 (Tish, 33)

patrickandkim (Kim, 25)

Pugs05 (Jen, 28)

sherpa (Amanda, 28)

Shoop-na-doopa (Trish, 31)

Slamamama (23)

Soon2BMrsN (26)

s.s.girl (24) ? TWINS!

tml0701 (Toni, 31)

July 3 (17)

bridetobe05 (Amy, 30)

Bririna (31)

fawnanddoe (Jessica, 25)

hickler7 (Jennifer, 30)

hparrott (Heather, 22)

jods8 (Jody)

kaightea (Katie, 26)


Luvpiggies (Erin, 27)

mnimee (Marissa, 30)

mrs.serrato85 (23)

mrstrn (Becca, 30)

Mrs.Underwood (Meagan, 25)

MrsZ71407 (26)

rebus82 (Randi, 26)

seth&linds (Lindsay, 26)

stlJanaJo (Jana)

July 4 (23)

alison1020 (Alison, 29)

AZ*Grl (Janie, 25)

babyjoy09 (Brenda, 23)


coffeekitten (Rachel Marie, 26)

daveNmissy (Melissa, 27) ? TWINS!

erino&chrish (Erin, 29)

esmoore (Elizabeth, 23)

khagan9368 (32)

korndog99 (Kory, 27)

LianeL (Lori, 37)

matt&steph (Stephanie, 27)

meyemn28 (Marissa, 24)

momtobetimes3 (29)

MuesFamily (Christina, 26)

mvesneske (26)

Nelliep32507 (Janell, 30)

nicole.romiglio (Nicole, 24)


pghwedding10/08 (Caitlin, 28)

robbie3982 (Robin, 25)

sarahryandrewlo (Sarah, 28)

Shanseur* (25) ? TWINS!

July 5 (12)

adams179 (Emily, 21)

empressjenn (Jenn, 31)

hairstylist720 (Jana, 25)

kmv6107 (Kate, 31)

kristinka7 (Kristina, 23)

lennonlover (26)

Mrs.Greenie (Christy, 26)

sarahkatherine8 (25)

sarah.townsend (Sarah, 23)

susangilchrist (Susan, 27)

TRACI15 (Traci, 20)

whitem22 (Michelle, 27)

July 6 (13)

ahernandez (Amanda, 25)

amandasue (Amanda, 29)

beeker1 (Loumeli, 31)

gummybearsong (Callie, 28)

Iblamethebeer (Darcy, 27)

JenB225 (Jenni, 26)

jenn_a_bee (Jenn, 25)

Mickeychew (Michelle, 26)

Mrs.Bazin (Danielle, 23)

Mrs. Nerychel (28)

shellbomb (Michelle, 30)

SummerAshley (Summer, 24)

TessaTru (Laurel, 26)

July 7 (7)

ashloree (Ashley, 24)

HDxNxJ (Heather, 26)

jeccap (Jessica, 27)

Mrs_mam (Alison, 29)

nichle (Nicole, 30)

seabass22 (Jessica, 32)

skats2000 (Samantha, 26)

July 8 (21)

78kiki (Kay, 30)

amycoffey (Amy, 26)

angela&ruben (Angela, 29)

branditubb (Brandi, 26)

curlycasey (Casey, 26)

elvis_cbw (Vicki, 26)

gracieleigh2 (Rachel, 26)

happyfarn (Jill, 31)


jmstone (Jenna, 22)

julosh (Julie, 20)

KrisFlower (Kristi, 28)

meelar8 (Laura, 28)

nwilliams8 (Nicole)

nycteach (Patricia, 30)

rlpschll (Renee, 29)

SB524 (Anne, 26)

stephelias (Stephanie, 23)

thefarmchick (Lisa, 26)

vilicious (Stephanie, 33)

zakiebaby (Karen, 24)

July 9 (21)

augustbride12 (Kate, 28)


Brittany FreyBox (Brittany, 26)

ciara2927 (Ciara, 26)

cookiesheart (Articia, 26)

Finally_Mrs.Garcia (Vivian, 27)

Hapuh3 (Brenda, 34)

hijoi (Joi, 34)

kellybaird (Kelly, 28)

ladybugbabyp (Tami, 26)

LoveMyLily (Alli, 31)

mikeandjen (Jen, 30)

mj0612 (Megan, 23)

RubyRed1085 (Amanda, 23)


scherzo (Gina, 29)

seriously888 (Jenn, 28)

ShelJean (Shelley, 28)

Shortcake79 (Beth, 29)

soontobejesseng (Jessica, 25)

vponce07 (Vanessa, 27)

July 10 (10)

Audreyp (Audrey)

brownbetty2006 (Brandy, 22)

cblremi (Crystal, 25)

Choco80 (Alicia)

Heather577 (Heather, 31)

Leahbrazil (Leah, 25)

melhearts (Melinda)

MissTGH (Timberly, 35)

Teamhuber (Kimberly, 27)

vjrun21 (Viviana, 21)

July 11 (11)

*Bee* (Brittany, 24)

BrideofSky (Dana, 34)

caleta (Tonia, 27)

CandleGirl (ReNae, 30)

crlyq2004 (Bethany, 22)

j&rwil (Robin, 27)

kleopatra09 (Kleopatra, 26)

linds8103 (Lindsey, 27)


sxu0007 (Sara, 25)

Trixie6717 (Ashley, 32) ? TWINS!

July 12 (15)

Alibeck (Allison, 28)

BadaBing327 (Jaime, 25)

C.Mo (Colby, 24)

echildre (Elisabeth)

g8orell (Erika)

iHeartHimMore (Michelle, 29)

kermie1975 (Michelle, 33)

Kimberly O (Kimberly, 24)

lacey_ja_r (Lacey, 25) ? TWINS!

MissesJames (Erin, 25)

mpoppins76 (Stephanie, 32)

shungerbuhler (Sherri, 27)

SwellyBelly (Renee, 26)

Tomkat8403 (Katie, 24)

xGoingToTheChapelX (Marie, 22) ? TWINS!

July 13 (15)


Blueeyes77 (Crysti, 26)

firsttimemama (Nikki, 24)

gina311 (Gina, 28)

IndyPRGirl (Marie, 26)

janbrady (Alison, 30)

Jenypo (Jen, 27)

KKG (Kathy, 31)

lizzie819 (Lizzie, 28)


mlb0604 (Melissa, 26)

monica92603 (Monica, 34)

SoonerGal06 (Sally, 24)

tgallo (Theresa, 26)

viollett99 (Pam, 27)

July 14 (12)

babyinman (29)

Baybeebo (Marissa, 29)

beeryce (Bryce, 26)

christacdodge23 (Christa, 30)

Elysialabita (Elysia, 24)

Expectin (Sara, 30)

ForForever (Mandy, 25)

ImWishin&Hopin (Elizabeth, 30)

infinite_love44 (Amber, 21)

islagrl (Raquel, 28)

MuckDiva (Amanda, 29)

Sharra711 (25)

July 15 (18)

aaheath (Ashley, 28)

amanda&davidwilson (Amanda)

ashadms (Ashley, 26)

ashleefan29 (Emma, 23)

barbra0674 (Barbra, 34)

BrideJaye (Sarah, 27)

Holly_Doll (Holly, 25)


nic40ole79 (Nicole, 28)

nicole_j19 (Nicole, 24)

noelle317 (Noelle, 31)

Pecas13 (Rachel, 25)

penguingrrl (Laura, 27)

saj&jaj (Sara, 26)

shellbell256 (Michelle, 25)

stever (Heather, 35)

surprisebaby4us2009 (Nadia, 29)

zubenescamali (Courtney, 28)

July 16 (12)

{tam*jan} (Tamara, 21)

boo98lu (Kristy, 28)

Chantal&Jeffrey (Chantal, 26)

CharLou (29)

CherylAnne79 (Cheryl, 29)

Ekstasis (Roxanne, 34)

jilliancofer (Jillian, 25)

<SPAN style="FONT-S

Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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Re: *~* July Sparklers' New Years Day Check-in *~*

  • I normally don't make New Years resolutions because I have a hard time keeping them. ?However, I did get a new job yesterday!! ?No more bartending until 4 in the morning! ?I have a regular 9-6 job! ?Yay! ?And my boyfriend got a new job that starts the end of January where he will be making double what he makes now!!! ?I think it's going to be a great year!
  • No New Year's resolutions for me.  I never stuck to any of them so I stopped making them last year.

  • Loading the player...
  • I usually don't make them and when I do I never keep to it.  But hopefully this year will be one of the best years!!  ( with a new baby of course!! ) And just can't wait until Feb til we find out the sex! Yay!! 
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
  • Our only resolution has been to get our finances straightened out before baby arrives! Oh, and my due date changed, so technically I'm not a July sparkler anymore! Happy to have my date moved up to June, but I love checking in with this group! I will still lurk a little bit to see how everyone is doing :) Happy New Year everyone!

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  • My resolution is to always keep things in perspective.  It is going to be a busy year with moving, buying a home and moving again, working full-time, finishing my masters, my sister's baby, and finally our baby so I need to remember to keep things in perspective and to take care of myself and our baby.  Oh yeah- and eat healthy.
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  • I haven't checked in at all this week.. 


    M: Any pregnancy updates?  When will you tell work?

    No updates.. We have an appt on the 9th so I'm sure there will be something new to speak of when that time comes! I am a nanny and I'm planning to tell the parents after this next appt; I will be 14 weeks.


    T: Have you talked about names yet? What?s at the top of your list?

    We decided on a boy's name before we got pg, but no girl names yet. We will get on the ball about deciding on a name come Feb. when we find out the sex. Who knows, we may not even have to pick out a girl name. Our boy name is Dominic.


    W: What are your New Years Eve celebration plans tonight?

    We had no plans. DH invited a couple of his Marines over to hang out, but that was it. My "plan" was just to make it to midnight.. and I did!


    Th: What are your New Years resolutions?

    I don't ever make NY resolutions..  Well, does having a healthy baby count as a resolution? Smile

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • W: One of our friends from Ohio is in town. So we just decided to watch movies and play games at home.

    Th: I'll probably just break them anyway. However, I'm working on standing my ground against my ILs. I made a promise to myself that I will no longer let them try to walk all over me because I am not going to be underminded to my children.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • My new years resolutions are:

    1. try not to be such a wench! (crazy hormones)

    2. Try to have the healthiest pregnancy possible

    3. just relax and enjoy being pregnant!


    P.S.- Mamajan...DH and I decided we are going to have a SURPRISE baby...not going to find out the gender! :)

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  • Didnt make any I never can stick to them!!!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My New Year's resolution is to try and not sweat the small stuff.  I am a total worrywart and am going to try my best to relax and not worry about the little things.  I think it's especially important since I'm pregnant - I want to be relaxed and happy.
  • I haven't made any. ?I would probably break them anyway. ?
  • My new year's resolution is kind of joint with my DH. We are going to try to start living on a "baby budget" starting this month. We have recently been made aware of the extremely high daycare costs in our area and need to start saving ASAP.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My NY resolution is to be healthy for baby and me, which means exercising and eating well.  And get financially set before baby comes!
  • My New Year's resolution is to chill out a bit. Same as my 2nd Tri resolution.
  • I'm going to start working out again now that 1st tri is almost over and I'm feeling better.....
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