I am 14 weeks pregnant and husband and I have decided to put me on his insurance because prenatal care/delivery is more affordable. I currently have BCBS. And my deductible is $2500 and after that 20% of whatever insurance doesn't cover. We'll I spoke with my current OBGYN and they don't take husbands insurance, which is Kaiser. (Husband failed to tell me that you have to use Kaiser doctors, etc.) so I have to change doctors, which is fine, but because I have not meet the deductible with BCBS I'm afraid I will get a huge bill for the appointments I have already been seen for. When I spoke with OB she also told me that I may only be charged for one visit, but I've had 3. First visit was transvaginal US and blood work, 2nd was just a pap and 3rd was listening to HB with Doppler. I will not be canceling my current insurance because it's free. I'm just wondering if this has happen to anyone else or is there something else I can do to avoid potential bill? Any advice is much appreciated!!
Re: Trying to understand health insurance-Help!!
You may be better off keeping what you have.
Long story short, I had my first prenatal appointment 9/11/13, and all claims were finally processed and payment approved just last week. Yay insurance 8-}