Parenting after a Loss

Question about vag delivery

So does a vag delivery always end up with a tear or epi? 

Re: Question about vag delivery

  • I've read birth stories where there has not been a tear or an epi, but...... in my cases, i had an epi with my son and a tear with my daughter.  If you want me to elaborate on anything, you can ask away :-)
  • Nope! I had no tear and no epi. :)
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  • abj22 - you just made my day Big Smile
  • I should add that because I had no epi, I was able to labor in the tub for the last few hours (which was incredible!) I do think this helped "soften" me up and might be why I didn't tear.

    Full birth story is in my blog if you want to read it.

  • I tore...considerably...

    BUT the good news is that I healed VERY quickly considering everything and it wasn't really much more pain than could be handled with regular Ibuprofen for a couple of weeks.

  • It is my understanding that it is possible to have a vag delivery without either. It is also my understanding that if you allow nature to take it course without trying to "rush" then you're able to stretch more than if you're rushing it.?

    By the time dd was ready to come out, I had been in labor so long & was so tired I just wanted her out. My dr gave me an epi. And I was happy he did. I only needed a couple of stitches and it allowed her to come out. He did try to massage my vag during pushes in order to try to avoid it, but it was so minor it wasn't to bad. ?

  • I had both, but have heard its different for everyone....
  • I was prepped for an epi, but didn't need it.  I ended up with a very small tear that needed 1 stitch.  No problem and I never felt it happen.
  • I had a 2nd degree tear, but it seriously didn't really bother me beyond the first 2 days and I healed very quickly.
  • I'm not sure.

    I had a 2nd degree tear.  I didn't feel a thing when it happened because I had an epi, but afterwards....ouch!

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