We are telling my parents tonight and while they will love the baby, their reaction to me being PG will not be the best. They think we should buy a house first, DH should finish grad school.. and none of that can be done with a baby.?
I know I can't control their reactions but it kills me to tell people that I know will not be thrilled. Anybody else have parents or IL's react less than thrilled?
Re: Were anybodies parents/IL's not thrilled with the announcement?
My best friend thought the same, told her parents, and they were THRILLED
Matthew Kevin
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
I'm sorry. Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised, though. Our situations can always be better and more perfect for having a baby - most of us wouldn't be here if everyone waited for things to be just right, right?
I'm expecting my professional friends to be very disapproving when we tell them, since they'll think I just killed my career; but that's nothing compared to unexcited parents. Best wishes for your announcement!
I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. In my opinion, if you wait until you are "ready" for a baby you could wait forever. There will always be bills and things you will want to accomplish before a little baby arrives.
Congratulations--as long as you and your husband are happy, that's the only thing that matters.
I really thought my mom and stepdad were not going to be happy at all. They lectured me at my wedding about not rushing in to kids right away, and saving up and traveling and spending time with each other first. They've also commented in the past about how our house is way too small for a family and they hope we wait until we can afford something bigger before kids.
So I was really scared to tell them that we were pregnant a month after our wedding. They suprised me by being really happy and excited though! All they talk about now is the baby and it's like they've completely forgotten about all those conversations they've started about waiting.
I wouldn't be too worried. I think you'll be pleasantly suprised by how excited they end up being once the announcement is made.
My MIL was not thrilled when we told her about dd (going on 6 years ago!) She lived out of state so we didn't see her until dd was 4 months old. At that point it was love at first sight. I will say she did try to be involoved with the pregnancy some and now is a wonderful grandmother. I think it was just a shock to her at the time. DH and I were young (22 and 24) and we had just gotten married.
Anyway, it worked out well in the end.
My parents and in-laws were all thrilled, but my grandmother was who I was dreading sharing the news with. She is fairly young (only 71) and very active - and she told me over the summer that she was too young to become a great-grandmother and that I shouldn't have kids yet! (I've been married for a few years, own my own house, and am established in my career - so she had no "good" reason to say that.)
When I told her, she actually was happy for me - she didn't actually say "congratulations", but she was happy to talk about it. I was surprised!
Good luck! It's no fun when you feel that loved ones aren't completely supportive. I'm sorry that you have to worry about this.
I got mixed reactions. My mother knew I was trying to conceive and ensure me that I probably don?t need more then 3-childeren, I had some words for when this was stated. ?laughs- After I conceived on the first time she was very happy and cried.
My father was very happy.
Grandmother, uncle, brother were also very happy and worried about the difficulties I may have.
I thought my mom would be less excited than she was. I thought she would think that we are too young (27 & 28), but she was thrilled (and the knitting-for-grandbaby began almost immediately!)
I hope your parents surprise you!
My grandmother literally rolled her eyes and walked away. When she came back in the room a few minutes later she said, "So what does [DH] think about this?" as if I had tricked him into it or something. I replied with "This is exactly what we wanted, and we've tried a long time to get here. We are both thrilled Gma, just as I knew you would be. Thanks." Again, she just walked away.
Now (only a week later) she's getting excited. We had dinner with the whole family last night and she wanted to sit next to me, and was asking me questions the whole evening.
Even if you don't get the initial reaction you may be hoping for, they'll come around. Don't worry too much about what people say/think right away - you are happy to be starting your family, and thats whats important.
The O'Baby Blog
my MIL always said she wasnt ready to be a grandmother and that she was too young. ?but, you know what... its not up to her! ?when we told her she was really happy and changed her tune saying she was happy and ready to be a grandmother.
try and let it go. ?there is never a perfect time to get pregnant and its really up to you and DH.?
To say the least my mom was not all that thrilled. The first thing she said to me was "That's not good..." But now shes coming around. When we told everyone at the family christmas, they asked how she was and she told them, "At first I could have thrown up, but now I know it's a blessing and I can't wait!"
That was good to hear... but when you've lived my life (married at 17 and pregnant at 19) you come to expect a bad reaction at first.
Congrats to everyone!