Cloth Diapering

Co-sleeping and CD


Has anyone used the Babynest or Babybay or anything else to co-sleep? I'm looking to sleep next to my baby for maybe the first 4-6 months. Would love to hear your comments on these.

Also, I will be cloth diapering my first baby. I'd like to do a load every other day and will work part-time twice a week so I need something not too complicated. And, yes this is so not important, but I want my baby to be comfortable and cute (as in colorful) ;)

Comment away.

Re: Co-sleeping and CD

  • You might want to try the Attachment Parenting board here on The Bump for the co-sleeping question.
  • This is probably not the answer you are looking for, but "not complicated" is whatever works. Every baby is different. And if you have others helping looking after your baby, hopefully they are also on board with CD. It may seem that pockets or AIOs are "easier" because they resemble disposables the most, but now and again someone comes onto the forum looking to troubleshoot an issue and they have only one kind of diaper in their stash. And that doesn't give the peanut gallery much to work with.

    If you have only one brand of pocket and you can't get a good fit so you're leaking several times a day, onto baby's clothes, your clothes, your furniture, stroller, carseat, crib, etc., that's complicated.

    Some people think prefolds and covers are complicated. Yes there is a bit of a learning curve, but once you've figured it out, it will take an extraordinary event to cause a leak. Pee and poo that stays inside the diaper = not complicated.

    What works now might not be what works next month, or 6 months from now. If there were one magic solution for everyone, we would have no need for this forum.

    My advice to you is to try different things (translation: consider doing a diaper trial!). You might be surprised what works for you. Be versatile. Have fun!
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