2nd Trimester

Pain where I usually find baby on Doppler

It's Sunday so I can't call my doctor until tomorrow just wanting ideas.

Last night I woke up with this pain. It was a weird pain. Like not like the ligament sharp sudden pain on my sides more ( I get that too when I sneeze mostly ... Ouch). This was a very localized pain & felt different. I'm 12 weeks 2 days. I felt Kinda sharp like someone was stabbing me in this one spot. But not overbearing pain. It went on for awhile I don't know how long cause I was in & out of sleep during it but remember it didn't go away right away. Then this am I woke up & it was gone. It was right where I usually hear the babies heart beat too - where I find the baby when I use my home heart Doppler. Any idea?

I heard heart beat this am so all is good I just wonder what it could have been & right where the baby is usually.

Re: Pain where I usually find baby on Doppler

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