This morning I woke up at 530 with sharp pain in my left side going around to my back. Called the doctors office when try opened and they had me come in right away heard the baby's heartbeat so the baby is fine but then the doctor told me I probably have kidney stones and prescribed me pain meds and said if it gets worse go to ER to confirm its kidney stones did no test nothing I'm not sure how I feel about this I don't thinks it's kidney stones doesn't hurt to go to the bathroom nothing this was the first time seein this doctor and not impressed as long as the baby is ok I'm happy but would like to know what is going on my body he said it's to high to be pain from things growing how would you feel if you were me
Re: How would you feel?
I would listen to the Dr and if you're really that concerned go to the er and find out for sure if you have kidney stones.
What else could it be do you think? However, I'm not sure why it matters how I would feel. You are obviously not satisfied. So, get a 2nd opinion.
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
I maintain that OP should get a second opinion.
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
If u aren't happy with what the doctor told you, get a second opinion.