2nd Trimester

Any one flunk their 1 hr glucose test

I was wondering if anyone failed their 1 hr glucose test and if so how high were your numbers ....did you take the 3 hour one and pass or flunk that too. Anyone end up being diagnosed with gestational diabetes? I had an AC1 test that I passed but then flunked the glucose test... my umber was real high and now I have to make a wellness appointment (nutritionist I believe). Any advice? ugh 3 more months.

Re: Any one flunk their 1 hr glucose test

  • I failed the 1 hour with my daughter, by either 1 or 3 points (can't remember), so I'm pretty sure if I had been more careful about what I ate before the test I wouldn't have failed.  I passed the 3 hour-it was pretty brutal- you need to fast, and then they draw blood before you drink the solution, then again at hours 1, 2, and 3.  You drink more solution at each hour as well.  I felt pretty crappy by the end and almost puked.  I say this not to freak you out, just to prepare you, sorry!

    As for advice, I didn't have GD, so this is not coming from my doctor, but I would take a look at your diet and cut out refined sugar as much as possible- pop, baked goods, processed/prepared foods, etc.  Of course, sugar is present in whole foods (i.e. fruit, dairy, etc), but generally it is in lesser amounts and easier for the body to process. GL!
  • zoeylove said:
    I was wondering if anyone failed their 1 hr glucose test and if so how high were your numbers ....did you take the 3 hour one and pass or flunk that too. Anyone end up being diagnosed with gestational diabetes? I had an AC1 test that I passed but then flunked the glucose test... my umber was real high and now I have to make a wellness appointment (nutritionist I believe). Any advice? ugh 3 more months.
    I barely failed the 1hr both pregnancies (less than 10 points), was diagnosed GD with DD after barely failing 2 of my 3 hour draws, and opted out of the 3 hour for my second pregnancy. I was able to opt out because my numbers were only slightly elevated and I knew the diet/testing routine and that's usually the first step in treatment. GD is diagnosed when you fail any 2 out of the 4 draws at the three hour test, though sometimes you will get the diagnosis if you spectacularly fail the fasting draw. 

    Advice: Don't stress about it. It's fairly common to get the diagnosis (or just fail one or two draws) since they've tightened up the criteria. It's not something you can prevent, nor is it your fault if you get it. GD usually goes away PP and the scary complications you read about are what happens when GD is left undiagnosed or untreated.

    As for diet, consult your OB. Unless you have really high numbers, you will likely be asked to adopt the GD diet before meds are prescribed. The diet means small and frequent balanced meals of limited carbs with lots of protein, good fats, and fiber. If you end up needing to follow the diet, PM me and I can provide a list of good meal and snack options to keep things varied. Everyone processes glucose differently so you'll likely need to play around with the diet first  to figure out what works best for you.
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  • Thanks ladies. I am trying not to freak out about this too much and I know if I wasn't pregnant I could correct any issues with diet and exercise. I am having a hard time with exercise right now cause I am totally beat and can barely make it through my work days on my feet as is. I have been trying to eat healthier now that I don't feel sick all the time (I was really bad the first trimester) but apparently not healthy enough.
  • Failed the 1 hour twice.
    Passed the 3 hour twice.

    It's not over until it's over.

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  • I failed the 1 hour with DD (I think it was only by one point).  I passed the 3 hour though with no problem.  Good luck!
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