2nd Trimester

birth control after baby

I have a history of endometriosis, I have tried mirena, implanon, and several different pill types. I hated them all, The worst side effect was emotional for me, depression, weepiness,mood swings. etc especially for the pills. If I go on anything it will be a pill and I plan to breastfeed. My body just seems to hate the extra hormones. We choose to try to get pregnant and we stopped using condoms, thats how we got pregnant. I would try just condoms again cause I felt like they worked. But I don't want to chance it and end up pregnant six months later. So please give me thoughts on pills, I'm breastfeeding (atleast thats the plan) which does kind of make me nervous my son would be getting those hormones..(from what I have researched there hasnt been enough time to know whether or not it affects babies later in life) My body, periods and overall health was better when I stopped all that hormonal crap. But I'm unsure of what to do, We would like to wait atleast two years before having another baby. So I have to try and figure something out.

Re: birth control after baby

  • I had and will have again, paraguard. It is non hormonal.

    DD1: IUGR, low AFI delivered at 36 weeks

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    DD2: IUGR, low AFI delivered at 37 weeks
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • The only option I know of for BC while BF are the mini pill which has less hormones.  You have to take it very religiously (like same time each day) or it's not very effective.  Mirena is another option (this is what I did after DS2) b/c it only has one hormone in it.  Paraguard is the other w/ no hormones.  Or, condoms obviously. 

    I BF DS2 so I did Mirena.  It wasn't bad but I didn't have any side effects from it.  I was much worse on the pill with side effects.
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  • I had and will have again, paraguard. It is non hormonal.

  • FAM and withdrawal. Worked for us for years, hormones do not do me good. 
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • You can do FAM with condoms during fertile times. The book Taking Charge of Your Fertility goes over the process in detail and has an appendix on how to do it while breastfeeding. We used to FAM to get pregnant so we're planning to use it to avoid after the baby comes.

    You could also do the mini pill, though I don't know much about that.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Mini pill is the only pill recommended for breastfeeding. I tried it for a few months after my dd and it made me a crazy person. The mood swings were awful, I hated it. Also killed my sex drive (although all hormonal bc pills do that to me). We ended up using condoms and keeping track of my cycles - worked just fine. I'll plan to do this again after this baby.

    Married 8.1.2010
    DD #1: Arrived 10.7.2011
    TTC #2 Since March 2013
    BFP 5.20.2013, EDD 1.26.2014, natural mc @ 5 wks 5.25.2013
    BFP 6.21.2013, EDD 3.14.2014, Twins - missed mc @ 7w6d, D&C 8.6.2013
    BFP 10.7.2013, EDD June 20 2014 - It's a GIRL!   

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Paraguard!! Only way to go!
    Me:35,  DH: 39   
    TTC since March 2011. All bloodword, SA & HSG are normal.  
    8/12: Clomid & TI - BFN 
    10/12: Colmid & TI - BFN 
    3/13:  Clomid, Trigger & IUI - BFN 
    4/13: Gonal F, Trigger & IUI: BFN  
    6/13: IVF #1 (1AA blast & 1BB blast) = BFN 
    8/13: FET #1= BFN
    10/13: FET #2= BFP!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker  image
  • You guys have me interested in researching Paraguard! I always used Ortho Tricyclen Lo because it has a lot less hormones than the regular.

    Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014

    Baby #2 due 4/26/16!

  • I'm really stuck on this. I got pregnant on birth control this time and while I am exstactic to be having this baby, I really dont want to get surprised pregnant again. Our house couldn't hold 3. I don't know what to do because I don't feel like I can trust the pill and I can't stand condoms 
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  • I find this so interesting and will define tly be checking with my doctor. We were using no protection for about 6 months and he was just withdrawing ( sorry if that's tmi!!) and then because I got paranoid I used nuvaring for about another 6 months. When we decided to ttc, I removed the ring aug 30th and by oct 4th I had a positive test. I'm wondering now if Nuvaring will effect me while I breast feed. Thanks for bringing this up ladies, I'll look into at my next appt!!
  • Also, nuvaring worked perfectly for me, because I'm forgetful with the pill and it's something I was able to get an app for to remind me when to change it. It's like mirena, but I didn't have to make an appt to have it inserted or removed which is nice because I was am to control more of when I would like to have children.
  • I don't want to take any pill or have any device -- it took my body a good year to get back to normal and even after that, I was still messed up.  I'm going to be doing the fertility awareness method as a pp mentioned.  After trying for over 3 years and using this method, I'm fully comfortable with tracking my cycles.  We'll probably use condoms in the beginning until my cycles start back up.  We want our kids close in age, too, so it won't be too long a time of tracking before we start trying again.  
  • I got Paragard after my first pregnancy. It didn't work out for me, but I know plenty of women who've had amazing experiences and swear by it.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

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