After a run yesterday, starting last night, when I go to pee and push I get a sharp pain. When the urine starts flowing its pain free...and I'm fine until the next time I have to pee and push. I thought I might be dehydrated, didn't drink much water throughout the day like I normally would. The pain is just in the first initial push....not sure why this is! No burning, no blood, nothing out of the ordinary besides that. Any thoughts?
Re: Pain before urination....may be tmi
Married 8.1.2010
DD #1: Arrived 10.7.2011
TTC #2 Since March 2013
BFP 5.20.2013, EDD 1.26.2014, natural mc @ 5 wks 5.25.2013
BFP 6.21.2013, EDD 3.14.2014, Twins - missed mc @ 7w6d, D&C 8.6.2013
BFP 10.7.2013, EDD June 20 2014 - It's a GIRL!