Parenting after a Loss

Baby doesn't like swing or bouncy chair...

Any ideas, moms? ?He'll stay happy for a little while in a boppy or on his back on a playmat, but we're talking maybe 10 minutes max and all on the back of his head. ?I feel like I'm holding him every minute that he's not sleeping...
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Re: Baby doesn't like swing or bouncy chair...

  • sorry no advice for you, my son is the same way. I would love to hear advice!
  • Is Kiran into looking at stuff yet?  That's when J5 enjoyed his swing more, when he could look at the mobile that's above it.  That's the same thing with his bouncy chair.  He sits there and looks around at everything.  He didn't like the swing or the bouncy chair at all at first.  I'd just keep trying.  GL!
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  • which swing do you have?..I have the Graco Silhouette swing and also the and the fisher price (similar to the butterly garden papason) and my MIL has the fisher price ocean wonders aquarium and the Fisher price swing and glider.....they LOVE the fisher price that cradles (the butterfly and the ocean wonders) they hate the other two. I think is the position they sit on. Try and keep him where he can see you. I know when my boys get fussy and they want to be held I put their rocker chair on my bed while I get ready for work.?
  • I don't have much advice for you either.  Ben didn't like being left anywhere for more than 5-10 minutes until about 8 weeks, nor did he like being in a sling or carrier.  We spent lots of time walking around the house or outside during those days.  :( 
  • Emma hates her swing but loves her bouncy chair (thank God)... will he lay down and look at soother in his crib? Emma will look at her's for about 20 minutes (thankfully long enough for me to get dressed for the day!)
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  • Yup, there's a lot of holding to do!  It's good that you just try different things and get him used to being on his own.  It will get easier for him to entertain himself as he gets older.  You're doing great!
  • Kailey was about a month and a half before she started to really enjoy her it's her favorite thing!
  • Isabella wouldn't use her swing or bouncy seat until she was at least 3 months old, and we could only get her to play on her activity mat when she as younger, the kind with toys that hang down from overhead bars. Even then it was not for long periods of time. Maybe try different toys and see what catches his attention and then attach it to the playmat or bouncy seat?
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