It has been a HARD 10 days BUT Caroline has turned the corner from wanting to kill me and hating the baby to loving on both of us. But the sep anx has been awful.
It's cool. I have a great sense of humor so it's all good. If I wasn't the dumbas someone else would've been and I probably would be poking fun to...that is if I got the joke....haha!
I'm personally pretty nervous about having number 2. I've had two previous miscarriages this year. With those other pregnancies I was really worried about my little girl and making sure she would be ok. This time I'm just waiting to make sure this baby is going to stick, then I'll start worrying about how to make sure my little girl knows she is still loved. It's in the back of my mind and I really have no idea what we're going to do. It was so easy with her because she was everyone, she had all the attention from EVERYONE. This time around...I'm just not sure yet...I'm kind of waiting to deal with it I guess...
Ceci is a cool nickname for Caroline. My fully name is Cecily.
Re: Ceci...
How are you feeling about having #2?
It has been a HARD 10 days BUT Caroline has turned the corner from wanting to kill me and hating the baby to loving on both of us. But the sep anx has been awful.
I'm sorry! I feel bad you actually answered my smart @ss really was a joke.
Happy New Year
It's cool. I have a great sense of humor so it's all good. If I wasn't the dumbas someone else would've been and I probably would be poking fun to...that is if I got the joke....haha!
I'm personally pretty nervous about having number 2. I've had two previous miscarriages this year. With those other pregnancies I was really worried about my little girl and making sure she would be ok. This time I'm just waiting to make sure this baby is going to stick, then I'll start worrying about how to make sure my little girl knows she is still loved. It's in the back of my mind and I really have no idea what we're going to do. It was so easy with her because she was everyone, she had all the attention from EVERYONE. This time around...I'm just not sure yet...I'm kind of waiting to deal with it I guess...
Ceci is a cool nickname for Caroline. My fully name is Cecily.