NONE. But I knew I was pregnant because I was on birth control and my period usually came to the second. Even throughout the first trimester it was hard to believe because I had no symptoms. Just bloat and exhaustion.
My earliest symptom was complete and total exhaustion. Before my BFP I don't think I really had any symptoms. The next week I was so exhausted I could literally hardly move.
The week before my BFP I was more tired than I have been in years. I could barely make it through a day at work before coming home and napping non-stop until the next morning.
Other symptoms like sore boobs didn't mean much to me b/c I thought it was probably just AF.
With DD Isabella, I knew I was pregnant the day before my I had missed my period. My breasts had been KILLING me for two days and it wasn't like the typical pre-period symptoms. No cramps or bloat or anything but I did get a weird taste in my mouth. My period is super normal and I would have noticed if I had actually missed it. This time around I was completely taken by surprise. My period was almost 12 days late but I had no bloating, no sore breasts, just the missed period.
I'd like to thank 1st Tri, without whom I may never know the answers to life's stupidest questions. And many thanks to my husband & his imaginary super-sperm, for magically fertilizing my imaginary eggs. You are ALL winners!
I had a feeling that I was pregnant the day before I missed my period. My main symptom that I've had in all my pregnancies so far is that I have a hightened sense of smell. When I can smell a cigarette without having one anywhere in sight or when people smell like cheese if they've been near any (heh), then I think, "Gee! I might be pregnant!" And, I was right! boobs grew an entire cup size in one week and my nipples were so sensitive that standing under the shower and having water trickle down them made them hurt! (I found out at 4 weeks, 5 days with a BFP.) The morning sickness, mainly nausea, started less than a week later.
no m/s for me. I had sore boobs around 7-10 wks. I was tired, but I'm always tired when I come home from work, so I'm not sure if it was more than normal.
I was just telling someone the other day that I wouldn't believe I was pregnant except that I haven't had a period since sept and I saw the baby on a u/s.
Re: for those who are pg
started exactly at 7 weeks, completely miserable...until the day I delivered....
it was joyful!
The week before my BFP I was more tired than I have been in years. I could barely make it through a day at work before coming home and napping non-stop until the next morning.
Other symptoms like sore boobs didn't mean much to me b/c I thought it was probably just AF.
I had no signs at all. After getting my BFP, looking back I was extremely thirsty at times. That was the only "off" thing.
Now at 7 weeks, my boobs are sore and I'm tired but that's about it.
And did your nose almost bleed this morning?
Almost! But then I burped. Really loud -- pretty much the loudest burp ever. What does that mean?
Triplets! Congrats, OMG!
I'm just so HAPPY!!!
I'd like to thank 1st Tri, without whom I may never know the answers to life's stupidest questions. And many thanks to my husband & his imaginary super-sperm, for magically fertilizing my imaginary eggs. You are ALL winners!
::blows kisses & throws roses::
Maybe you're not even pg...
How do we know that your DH didn't stuff a basketball up your sweater just for kicks?
um ... perhaps you should wait until your 2ww before you analyze every last symptom.
It was actually a melon. But shhhhhh, don't tell anyone. I love being here too much.
I've had some waves of nausea, sore nipples, fatigue and frequent urination accompanied by a bloated belly.
But those symptoms come and go.
no m/s for me. I had sore boobs around 7-10 wks. I was tired, but I'm always tired when I come home from work, so I'm not sure if it was more than normal.
I was just telling someone the other day that I wouldn't believe I was pregnant except that I haven't had a period since sept and I saw the baby on a u/s.