2nd Trimester


missfit1024missfit1024 member
edited December 2013 in 2nd Trimester
Hi Ladies,

I am suffering from severe moodiness, never directed at any person specifically, just things. Like my water heater broke and we had someone come out to fix it only to find that it still wasn't fixed...mid shower. This killed me, I wanted to scream and this is not like the normal laid back me, I normally would have been irritated but not blood-boiling-want-to-scream irritated. This is just an example, but I am frequently overcome with negative emotions and sometimes positive ones. For example, seeing essie nail polish's new holiday line made me wonderfully excited and happy. 

What makes it worse is that I feel like I'm not getting much support from my partner, I feel like I'm just annoying the crap out of him which is understandable because I'm annoyed with myself too! But it sure would be nice to just get a hug and a kiss and have him say, "you're a crazy hormonal mess and I still adore you".

So I'm just curious, are you guys moody? How are you coping? And how are your loved ones coping?

Re: Hormones

  • First, now I'm excited about nail polish... I think I need to go buy some. Second, I'm sorry you feel this way! I've been pretty even tempered most of the time but lately I'm getting increasingly annoyed at everything. EVERYTHING! I just have to stay away from people at times and take a nap or do something to relax me a bit. A warm bath, I love baking so sometimes i'll make cookies, it usually makes me feel better. I'm not sure what the solution is except to wait it out. My husband is gone 4 days a week and I am seriously thankful for that at times during pregnancy. I swear I just need alone time when I'm being bitchy.
    I'm very sorry you feel you're not getting the support you need, I agree sometimes it would help if they just said the right things. Maybe you should sit down and talk to him about it. Now is just the beginning of needing more support than you probably ever have before. It's a good idea to make sure he understands that.
    Good luck!
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • I find that I'm tearing up or crying more. Sometimes it's happy tears and then frustration whimpers in the same hour. For example, my job has me singing every night and tonight I'm crying over lyrics that I had never interpreted in a way that applies to motherhood. To the sad tears section...I skipped dinner to save up for late-night pizza. I wait forever to get a taxi to the ONE pizza place open on my side of town. I get there and it's closing. I find myself semi-yelling at the workers for having the wrong time published on their website regarding Sundays (as though they have anything at all to do with that). My shoe breaks while walking away...almost crying. Then I do cry at a line of taxi drivers who ignore me. Walk around with broken shoe, get a taxi, go to a store/cafe near my house who just stopped serving then just head home and want something rom the vending machine which now has an "out of order" sign. I want to kick it. Non-pregnancy this would not have bothered me in the least. I also find myself wanting to use the line "I'm pregnant!" just to get what I want/get sympathy. It's the only time I will have the chance : ) There is no one near by to complain to so I just go home, take a bath and pout. I find that with some breathing and some thoughts of gratitude everything gets better for a little while.
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  • I have been so moody this pregnancy I am driving myself insane. I feel like I am PMSing x1,000. It's annoying some days, I just want to throat punch someone. Usually it's my annoying co workers who now just treat me like a giant walking uterus. Some days I think - man I want a stiff drink. Then - oops I'm pregnant nothing for me!

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

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