Yesterday I had a dollar store test it was a BFN after waiting the 2 min, When looked at it again I seen a faint line after another 8 min but I know it was out of the time frame so I tossed it. My FRER came in yesterday morning. I went to sleep at 10pm and 2:30am I woke up because I needed to go to the bathroom I figured I would test then because I needed to be up by 5am for work. The second line is faint but there I took it upstairs to my sleeping SO to see if the line can been seen and through sleepy just woken up eyes my SO said “Oh Yea I see it” I tried going back to sleep but didn’t sleep much I was just so excited and nervous. I am calling it a cautious BFP because I am so scared of a CP like last time. I really want to do blood work Tuesday or Wednesday which is only a day or two before my RE wants me in for blood work. I would like to get at least 2 beta tests in before Christmas and I would prefer not waiting through the weekend too so I will see what they say tomorrow. I know I will also be testing on my last few FRER to watch the line get darker over the next couple of days. Also stopping for a digital because I want to see the word pregnant
Symptoms: Starting 5DPiui, I had strange dull painful O type pains, 7DPiui it switched to AF cramps, starting 8DPiui breast tenderness that has progressed to swollen breast and a little more painful as of today 11Dpiui
What we did: CD3-CD7 letrozal 5mg, CD10 check 4 follies 12, two 13, and 14. IUI CD14, starting 2 DPIUI progesterone till now I will stay on progesterone until RE says otherwise.
You all are so great here I am not an outgoing poster but I read a lot and learned a lot from posting here. I will be lurking and hanging around here until my beta tests come in. Thank you for all of your support when I was at my low points. Having this board is such a big help not many know we were trying so having this place is amazing.
Married in September 2010, started TTC journey November 2012
7 IUI- 2 CP- 2 BFN
RPL blood work 12/27, showed a balance translocation in chromosome 11;22
New Plan: Reciprocal IVF, me as carrier wife's eggs. Just went through insurance and received partial approval, so my part will go through my IVF benefits and wife's part will be out of pocket. Now just finalizing finance plans to cover the oop costs. Doctors office is in process of moving to a new building so there are no IVF start ups until March/April 2015.
Re: ***BFP***
Married 4.4.09 ~*~ Me-34 & DH-32 ~*~
BFP #1 - 10.3.10 I EDD 6.11.16 I Boy #1 born 6.16.11
BFP #2 - 9.12.13 l EDD 5.27.14 l CP 9.20.13
BFP #3 - 3.5.14 I EDD 11.17.14 I Boy #2 born 11.17.14
BFP #2! Travis is getting a sibling!
EDD: 1/24/2017
Married in September 2010, started TTC journey November 2012
7 IUI- 2 CP- 2 BFN
RPL blood work 12/27, showed a balance translocation in chromosome 11;22
New Plan: Reciprocal IVF, me as carrier wife's eggs. Just went through insurance and received partial approval, so my part will go through my IVF benefits and wife's part will be out of pocket. Now just finalizing finance plans to cover the oop costs. Doctors office is in process of moving to a new building so there are no IVF start ups until March/April 2015.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
Married in September 2010, started TTC journey November 2012
7 IUI- 2 CP- 2 BFN
RPL blood work 12/27, showed a balance translocation in chromosome 11;22
New Plan: Reciprocal IVF, me as carrier wife's eggs. Just went through insurance and received partial approval, so my part will go through my IVF benefits and wife's part will be out of pocket. Now just finalizing finance plans to cover the oop costs. Doctors office is in process of moving to a new building so there are no IVF start ups until March/April 2015.
TTC #1 8/2012~Chronic Pelvic Pain Condition began 10/2012~Told I was crazy by many doctors until a good specialist DXed a labral tear and bone impingement in left hip 4/2013~Surgery on left hip: 5/31/13 SUCCESS!!! Pain flares to continue indefinitely (but mostly gone).
Resumed TTC 6/2013~Chronic stomach pain and distension: 8/2013~TTA 1/2014 Until Resolved ~7/2014: Trip to the Mayo Clinic--SUCCESS!! Finally on the road to getting better.
Resumed TTC 7/2014! Third time's the charm....8/2014 Visited the RE~DX: MFI/low morph~Straight to IVF with ICSI! 9/2014~Transferred 1 perfect beautiful 6AA blast with 10 to freeze!!!~10/8/2014: BFP!!!! EDD: 6/17/15 STICK LITTLE BEAN!!! IT'S A BOY!!!!!
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
ME: 29 DH:29
TTC #1 since September 2013
BFP Aug 27 2014, EDD- May 9 2015 - MMC Oct 16 2014
BFP: 6/4/14 EDD: 2/11/15
TTC Since August 2013
DS: 10-9-14
MC: 9-4-16
Mio Marito per Sempre: Married 2009. SD is 12 yrs. DD is 4 yrs.
DS born 12/29/14
TTC #1 since August 2012
BFP 7/5/13 ~EDD 3/17/14 - MC 7/22/13
DX PCOS 9/17/13 - Cyst on left ovary benched on BCP
10/12/13 Cyst is gone starting cycle #1 Femara - U/S shows no response
11/19/13 Large cyst on right ovary. Benched again.
12/18/13 2 cm cyst still on my right ovary. Back to BCP.
1/10/14 start femara 5mg for 10 days
Married September 2010
TTC August 2013
BFP #1 05/12/2014 - EDD 01/11/2015
Edited for spelling