Most recipes call for cream cheese which isn't considered a soft cheese I believe. Cream cheese is a safe cheese. It is only the unpastuerized soft cheeses you should avoid. Plus, most cheesecakes are cooked, which would kill off any harmful bacteria.
Most recipes call for cream cheese which isn't considered a soft cheese I believe. Cream cheese is a safe cheese. It is only the unpastuerized soft cheeses you should avoid. Plus, most cheesecakes are cooked, which would kill off any harmful bacteria.
Most recipes call for cream cheese which isn't considered a soft cheese I believe. Cream cheese is a safe cheese. It is only the unpastuerized soft cheeses you should avoid. Plus, most cheesecakes are cooked, which would kill off any harmful bacteria.
I get it now. It had to be explained to me........ I really DO deserve the dumbass award! haha! I think the baby is taking all my smart brain cells.....
Most recipes call for cream cheese which isn't considered a soft cheese I believe. Cream cheese is a safe cheese. It is only the unpastuerized soft cheeses you should avoid. Plus, most cheesecakes are cooked, which would kill off any harmful bacteria.
Re: Is cheesecake a soft cheese?
Aren't all babies?
um, yeah ... that's sort of the point.
There's always someone COMPLETELY misses the point...
I don't get it... How'd I miss the point? The question was if cheesecake was a soft cheese. I answered the question? What'd I miss?
P.S. I love Red Foreman
::slaps forehead::
I think there was just the *tiniest* bit of sarcasm in that question.
This just made my night.
If by soft you mean, totally melts in your mouth? Then YES.
Don't eat more than one or two slices at a time though or your baby's bones will never harden and the cartilage will turn into cheesecake.
Which would make one delicious baby!
Jacob Alexander 7/23/09
Allergic to Dairy, Eggs and Peanuts
Jameson Adam 6/1/11
Allergic to far