2nd Trimester

Will i show?

I am in my second trimester now almost 18 weeks in my first pregnancy and im still not showing! Im about 5'2 technically overweight (about 185ish....) so i was wondering am i going to show at all? If so any guesses on how many weeks? Im super excited for a baby bump, i just want to know if i will have one at all....Help!

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Re: Will i show?

  • **also not feeling any movement.....why not?! 
  • thanks ladies for the reassurance! :))
  • Jodash24Jodash24 member
    edited December 2013
    I'm nearly 22 weeks when I stand I have a growing bump, then in some positions when I sit it's like a fat heap :( not put on weight on the rest of my body luckily, some people (work) don't actually know yet! X

    Also I have only had little movements nothing regular yet, my little boy is a lazy one tho, during last scan he's just laying there sleeping then yawning :)
  • I'm almost 18 and I'm barely showing. Even though I started showing a little at as early as 10 weeks it hasn't increased much at all. I show more if I'm bloated as well, but it's minimal and no one would be able to tell if I I didn't lift up my shirt and tell them I'm pregnant. I just had an appointment a week ago and everything is healthy so I think some people show less.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Everyone shows at different times, even if you are the same weight/height. You won't know until the time comes. :)

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

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