DD broke our 50 inch 3D plasma... DH was watching cartoons with her in the morning and "the bad guy" appeared on screen and she hit the TV with the leg of her little piano, yelling "bad!"
She cracked the screen and now it's all black. I put her in time out, and DH yelled at her pretty bad. Then she said she was sorry and kissed him. I cried!!! Hahahahaha
I hope she doesn't do the same with the new TV :S Do you think a 2 yo is to little to understand not to touch the TV when I install it?
Re: DD broke...
I think she can learn to not touch it again. I would talk to her when you bring the tv home from the store and explain the rules. Then remind her every time you think she is getting to close to it. And if she touches it discipline (whatever style you discipline in).
If my kid broke my TV I wouldn't even be on the bump and saying "hahah" so if you think she overreacted, you would think I'd be terrible. I'd be in my bedroom sulking like I was 2.
Dude, I am a crazy crunchy parent who doesnt yell, say no, do time outs or any kind of punishment and I think my knee jerk reaction if my kids broke something like that would be to yell. I've lost my temper for less.
I didn't read anywhere that the kid was berated until she was hysterically sobbing...
DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13
Probably so, as I stated a couple of posts down, I don't think she's a horrible person or a bad parent by any means. I do think it's nuts to yell though. It's just my opinion on one subject, which has of course been blown out of proportion by Hav so she gets to point out what a horrible bitch I am.
In fact, I believe that everyone who posts here regularly would yell, with the possible exception of one or two of you. If I could set up an experiment where we all had two-year-olds who slammed a toy piano into an expensive TV, I'm betting that something like 98% of us would at the very least screech "OH MY GAWWWWWWD WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?????????"
DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13
I am with you from the time our kids can crawl we are extra firm they stay far away from the electronics. When we start at 7 months by the time they are two they take the long way around the TV;).
slinking away.