How do you use it? ...shipping or watching shows? My parents are getting DS a kindle for Xmas , so I got prime early, thinking I would use it for Xmas presents. Should I have down Netflix instead?
I see that some shoes are free, but other kids shows/seasons are not. I am having a hard time telling which is which when I go through the Instant Video app on my phone.
For instance, if you search Calliou on the app, seasons 1, 5, and 6 show up as prime. Does that mean they are free?
Also, a friend said that she thought that you could only download movies to your device, not shows. Shows required streaming, and obv a wifi connection.
Can someone explain all this to me?
Re: s/o Amazon-prime ?
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
OP, you can find a lot of man men on amazon prime, which means the hammaconda will be there for the viewing. That is worth its weight in gold (which is clearly substantial).
There are tons of free kids shows on there. Definitely, definitely worth it.
I can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:
Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014
Formerly Twilightmv