2nd Trimester

stabbing vagina pains- ooouuucchhhh

I know its ligament stretching etc, but jeez. These things are just evil! 



Re: stabbing vagina pains- ooouuucchhhh

  • Lol I call it lightning crotch.
    If you knew better, you'd do better.
  • lighting crotch! Trademark that shiz! lol!


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  • Haha lighting crotch hahaha can I get that on a tee shirt?
    Supermom to my beautiful boys Troy Marshall and Griffin Xander 

     Living the dream with my wonderful man :)
  • Lightening crotch is the official term for it on TB. ;)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Good lord what causes this terrible feeling? I started getting it off and on about 2 weeks ago and it is KILLER! thank goodness it only lasts a few seconds.
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
    June '14 September Siggy challenge- Favorite things about fall

  • I haven't had it yet! I know I should be glad but I'm so curious.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

  • Practice not having a "wtf face" so you don't have to explain to random strangers. It's awkward.

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  • Haven't felt this, thankfully, but has anyone else felt "lightning anus"?  It's woken me up out of a dead sleep! @_@

    A14 Siggy Challenge (November): Favorite Fall Smell
  • I have had the pain in the butt (literally). That is ten times worse. Thank God it doesn't happen as often
    If you knew better, you'd do better.
  • I'm not getting the sharp stabbing, rather I am getting a swollen feeling in and around.  I learned today in my ultrasound that my girl is hanging out breach, with her head up by my ribs.  I'm assuming that this feeling I'm getting is a result of her downward kicks... does that make sense?  Of course, I didn't have the pain this am when I was at the doctor, otherwise I would have asked him. 
  • Lol! Lightning crotch! Yes it's AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!
  • hahaha so glad I found this!!! I had no idea lighting crotch.. and butt... were part of pregnancy... I thought it was just a random pain! good to know!
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