Good lord what causes this terrible feeling? I started getting it off and on about 2 weeks ago and it is KILLER! thank goodness it only lasts a few seconds.
June '14 September Siggy challenge- Favorite things about fall
I'm not getting the sharp stabbing, rather I am getting a swollen feeling in and around. I learned today in my ultrasound that my girl is hanging out breach, with her head up by my ribs. I'm assuming that this feeling I'm getting is a result of her downward kicks... does that make sense? Of course, I didn't have the pain this am when I was at the doctor, otherwise I would have asked him.
hahaha so glad I found this!!! I had no idea lighting crotch.. and butt... were part of pregnancy... I thought it was just a random pain! good to know!
Re: stabbing vagina pains- ooouuucchhhh
A14 Siggy Challenge (November): Favorite Fall Smell