So it looks like this cycle was a bust. We did Clomid 150mg on cd 3-7 w/ Menopur injections days cd 9-11 and ultrasound on cd 12. They found a follie 33mm but the only thing is they didn't do a cd 3 ultrasound so that could have been a cyst. I wasn't sure till my progestrone test 7 dptrigger came back at 2.6....they said they wanted it at 3? I dunno...guess they do stuff alittle different at my RE's office. So looks like this round is a bust. They said if I don't get AF by the 5th of Jan. to call their office and they will give me some provera.
Here is my WWYD husband is deploying on Feb. 4th-7th time frame...making it very very soon!!! I will be moving at that time to be closer to family. That week I want to be is the thing would you do 1 more round of most likely all injections and be stressed with the deployment, and everything with everything. I will be having to wait over a year to try again, and after husband deploys he will be getting out of the Army so it is the last time with this "perfect" health insurence to do all this. Not quite sure if I can get this all done before he deploys. Depending upon when my AF arrives is depending upon if we will make it with this cycle. If my cycle starts like 5-7 days after the provera it would make ovulation time around when he leaves, so we may be able to actually go through with it, but I will be moving? I need some advice and suggestions.
Thanks girsl Hope everyone has a good new year despite our situations...and if anyone is in the same mood as me, looks like this year is going to suck
Re: Ahh...Vent & WWYD?
Just curious if you have considered freezing your Hs sperm for when he is away. Then you can cycle without the stress and not have to wait until he gets back with a possible drop in insurance?
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="
Yes but not sure if thats the best for us. Not all our family knows about our IF, so how would I explain how I got pregnant? Not sure it would look good if husband was deployed and I got pregnant. But out of curiosity how much is it to freeze the sperm?
Not really sure of the exact costs, but for my eggs to freeze and store it costs $500 for a year. I doubt it would be much more then that although every place is different.
But I never considered what people who do not know your issues would think if you turned up pregnant when your H was away. 'Doh - goes to show you when you are not dealing with a situation the solution seems simple.
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="
it's hard not being about to share your IF with your family huh? we have not told our families yet either. i'm not sure how far you are moving? like will you be driving there, or flying? i like the idea of going forward and at least freezing your DH's sperm for this that if you O just after he is deployed, you can at least use it for this current cycle and no one would know.
it is a very personal decision whether you decide to tell your family about it or not, but i am not sure if i will tell my family after the fact or not. i mainly don't want to tell them now b/c i don't want to have to deal w/them asking me a million questions or telling me what to do. after we get PG, i might feel ok telling them about it. but i don't know yet. just something to think about b/c then it would allow you to freeze the sperm and use it while DH is deployed.
GL, whatever you decide. sorry this cycle was a bust.
Jaime & Brent
Oahu, Hawaii | Sept. 9, 2005
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