
Intro - Not sure if I'm here to stay...


I'm 30 weeks pregnant and found out today that baby is breech bum down. The doctor said that she will re-evaluate baby's position in 3-4 weeks and if baby hasn't turned she will schedule an ultrasound and following that, a c-section if baby hasn't turned. She said that baby could still change positions and that I could attempt to deliver vaginally if I wanted to (if baby is breech I'm fairly certain I do not want to deliver vaginally!)

I have one daughter who is almost 2 who was born in the water with a midwife present. A breech baby/c-section has not been on my radar at all so I'm really new to this whole idea and have no idea what to expect/research etc. Experiences (both about breech babies and cs) are welcomed.

Re: Intro - Not sure if I'm here to stay...

  • I just had my first in Feb. Mine was not breech but due to a pre existing medical condition I was induced during my 39th week. After 12 hours of labor I only progressed to 4/5 cm dilated and ultimately the doctor decided to do a c section. My experience was very smooth. I knew there was a chance I would have a c section and we talked about it at my prenatal appts so I wasn't nervous or scared. I was actually more scared and unprepared to have a vaginal birth.
  • At my 38 week check up, I was told that my daughter was head down.  After 8 hours laboring in the hospital and getting stuck at 5 cm, the nurse discovered that my daughter had done a complete 180 and her head was in my rib cage.  
    At 30 weeks there is still plenty of time for your baby flip, so don't dwell on a c section too much.  However, I highly recommend researching the entire procedure and asking lots of questions just incase.  Since I had to be rushed into the operating room, I didn't have enough time nor a clear enough head to ask the doctor any questions.  I was terrified because I didn't know what to expect.  Fortunately, my daughter was healthy and recovery was quicker and less painful than I expected.  I hope that you are able to have the vaginal birth that you are wishing for.  Good luck!
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  • DD was breech and I had a c-section in Aug of last year. She flipped at 28 weeks & didn't turn back. I think things happen that are just meant to be. 

    I've heard of spinning babies. I never tried. But maybe see if that helps? 

    C-section really isn't that bad. I know I over thought mine but at the end of the day- I had a beautiful baby girl & we were both happy & healthy & that's all I really cared about. 

    Good luck! 
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