2nd Trimester

Past two nights in a row...

I have waken up multiple times feeling awkward "sensations" in my pelvic area...

I'm only 13 weeks tho. The first time I thought I was just feeling things and I woke up from my husband moving or something...like it was a coincidence.

Well when it happened again a few hours later I freaked out and woke my husband up (it was like 3am) and he just looked at me like I had two heads.

Last night it happened again and I can even occasionally feel it when I'm laying down watching movies. How soon did you guys feel your little one moving for the first time?

It's such a strange feeling its like someone is just barely touching me and moving slowly. So freaky.

BabyFruit Ticker
*~*Landon Robert Montoya*~*

Re: Past two nights in a row...

  • During my first pg I felt my lo move around 14 weeks for the first time. But I had to be laying down on my back to feel anything. It felt like small flutters.

    My best guess based off of what you're describing, is you're probably feeling gas..

    From what my Dr told me, during that point to when you're about 18 weeks the baby has to move in fast hard flinches for you to be able to feel him or her. It wouldn't be until they're bigger and higher up in your belly to where you can feel their softer movements.
  • Most likely gas....but here in a few months you'll think it's gas and it's the baby :D
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  • This doesn't feel like gas, which also is feels bizarre but its just a different bizarre lol. All of these pregnancy feelings are so weird lol.

    I woke up again tonight because of it too. When I got my last u/s doctor said I had an active little buger in there so idk. Ill probably just ask at my next appointment. I know during the ultrasound it repositioned multiple times and stretched out and moved around multiple times just within a few min of watching

    BabyFruit Ticker
    *~*Landon Robert Montoya*~*
  • I was around 14 weeks.  Felt like little flutters or consecutive, quick taps.  Everyone told me no way, it's gas, blah blah blah...but I'm 22 weeks and as we speak my little Lucas is doing those same movements.  Around 20 weeks I was able to also feel more distinct kicks and punches but he still flips and flutters.  I bet it's your baby
  • Yeah it's so random and feels nothing like I've ever felt before <3 its amazing. I'm a first time mom too so I think I'm just overly sensitive too. My mom said she started feeling my older brother around the 13-14 mark too but it was random

    BabyFruit Ticker
    *~*Landon Robert Montoya*~*
  • Babies tend to move around a lot during u/s because the sound they hear on their end "irritates" them.

    Yes its possible for u to have felt the baby, but like I said in my previous post, if you're feeling the baby this early it usually has to be when they make bigger, more forceful movements.

    And if you're convinced its not gas then maybe its stuff in your digestive area that's moving slow...
  • I'm 14 weeks 6 days and my mom asked me a earlier if i was feeling "butterflies". i just passed it off as gas, then today i felt two distinct hard movements on my right hand side, when I was standing on the metro going into work, that i know 110 percent was not gas. 
    I think that it was my little E.T. doing something.
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